Donley: April 24, 2019, 1:35am
Hi everyone,
I’m a bit confused about using Sa’am to treat pain. During all the podcasts and Crowdcast videos I haven’t really
heard discussion on “just” pain. For example, a patient comes in because of pain. Maybe it’s located at the right
thigh covering the front of the thigh.
Using Sa’am would we think of Si to move Qi & Xue? Would we find the affected channel(s). If it’s more than one
channel what do we do? (I hear Toby saying, “treat only on channel” in my dreams now). Do we do a sa’am
treatment, then chase the pain using another method? This approach seems like not trusting the method…
Thoughts on pain?
KristinWisgirda: April 24, 2019, 1:59pm
When is pain ever “just” pain in Chinese Medicine, never mind Sa’am? We are always locating the channels,
identifying the quality of the affected area- is it swollen/hot/cold/purple- and treating the person with the pain.
Sometimes channel, sometimes constitution. Taking a Sa’am intro course and reading lots of case studies will
really help you begin to understand the system. At each evaluation make a list of all the possible factors, including
the counterbalancers of the involved channels. Toby always points to the grossest aspect of the patient’s
presentation as a good place to start treatment.
Toby shared a case of an overweight patient with a painful swollen knee after knee replacement and low back pain
around UB25 and diarrhea. All three symptoms responded quickly to a LI+ treatment. Super easy! If only …
When pain is extreme or obviously caused by blood stasis, treating with SI+ can be considered.
ngmatthews #3October 4, 2021, 5:15pm
Toby has said that SI can be used to treat any type of pain. On the opposite side. And I’ve had very good results
with it. However he has also said that we can tonify the involved meridian on the opposite side, or the balancing
pair meridian on the opposite site. So, adding this to a constitutional pattern, you would have plenty of treatment
options for a few weeks of care. He always says, “look at WHO it is who has this problem” and I take that to heart.
1 Like04/01/2024, 12:20Using Sa’am to treat pain – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
michaelmax: April 25, 2019, 3:05am
However he has also said that we can tonify the involved meridian on the opposite side, or the balancing pair
meridian on the opposite site
This is why I love practicing this medicine. There is no one clear cut way. Lots of options. It’s our job to sort
through. Try something. Watch the results and let that help us gain a deeper understanding of the person we seek to
turiyahill: April 23, 2021, 1:54pm
What if the pain is located on the GB channel ? My understanding is to exercise caution with GB+…yes? But if
PC+ wasn’t getting results?
Daniel: April 23, 2021, 8:05pm
The channel is certainly a fact of the case that needs to be considered but it has to be considered along with all of
the other facts of the case, right? Addressing Dampness-Dryness Internal-External for example, in my experience
has been the key resolver with some pain cases. As has hot-cold. Even in the case of just pain, I have found any
Sa’Am treatment and any counterbalancing pair can be the key.
Adina_Kletzel: April 24, 2021, 9:29pm
You would only consider using GB+ to treat pain on the GB channel only if the person constitutionally needed a
GB+ treatment. IF they don’t then you wouldnt use GB+ even if the pain is on the GB channel. IF PC+ did not
work then you need to look elsewhere – cold/hot, wet/ dry, consolidation/blood stasis…