Using Sa’am during pregnancy

Ryan_Gallagher: April 15, 2019, 6:07pm
How do you use Sa’am with pregnant patients? Do you proceed as you normally would, while shying away from
inducing too much movement (via SI or GB)?

dcantor: April 15, 2019, 8:05pm
The answer I received was “avoid supplementing LI and SI, otherwise treat as you normally would”

haunani: April 17, 2019, 7:12am
because it’s too stimulating? Could these be used at week 40? @Ryan_Gallagher this has also been one of my
burning questions.

KristinWisgirda: April 17, 2019, 5:31pm
My notes say avoid supplementing SI during most of pregnancy because it can be too moving but that it can be
used to promote labor.
It makes sense to be cautious about supplementing double dry LI just as you would be cautious injuring the fluids
by promoting too much sweat, urination or purgation.

lauramcgraw: April 17, 2019, 8:16pm
I have used suppl spleen a few times with preg. patients who are dry dry types and also suppl liver. One patient
who’s breast milk wasn’t coming in I suppl spleen with great results( she was dry dry type- lg. int excess). I would
also be cautious with Lg. int as it’s so drying, and I have heard Toby say to be careful of sm. intestine as it really
moves blood circulation.
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KristinWisgirda: April 17, 2019, 10:11pm
A pregnant lady, thin with moist skin, could feel her hemorrhoids tingle when I supplemented the Lung. She had a
long term hemorrhoid problem before pregnancy. One treatment did the trick and they haven’t bothered her for
months now. Awesome!

KristinWisgirda: April 20, 2019, 3:06pm
To add to the SI and LI warnings, I found another statement that “Babies like it warm” so be really, really cautious
about adding the ice cold water of UB to the system.

George_Mandler: April 20, 2019, 5:32pm
I had a 38 weeks woman this past Wednesday who I have been seeing since June. She used to be freezing cold all
the time now she is quite warm. She has edema all over her body (her BP is fine) – fingers, toes, legs, arms, face all
swollen. I did SI+ right on her (sitting in a reclining chair) and there was a dramatic visible difference on her left
side but not her right. She came in Friday and I did SI+ on left but disappointingly no change from yesterdays
treatment on either side.
Tongue has become swollen, sublingual veins are dark, skin is moist and shiny so thinking about LI+ when I see
her on Wednesday. I am open to other ideas.

rappeports: April 21, 2019, 2:11pm
Here’s my two cents:
In this case, I would consider supplementing LU. You want the fluids to move internally and to dry her out on the
surface. I would alternate that with SI on the right again to promote labour.

KristinWisgirda: April 22, 2019, 12:54pm
@rappeports If we are working with Sa’am as taught, supplementing the Lung would dry the surface like you
said but moisten the interior. That doesn’t sound like a good idea for @George_Mandler ‘s case. Supplementing
the lung is appropriate for when the exterior is moist and the interior is dry.26/01/2024, 12:38Using Sa’am during pregnancy – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community

rappeports: April 22, 2019, 12:59pm
Toby spoke about moist and dry being a continuum depending on what you see. Here I’m seeing the edema being
on the surface and the interior being dry, thus move the fluids into the interior. Pregnant patients often have surplus
of fluids on the exterior and at the end of pregnancy the amniotic fluid decreasing is an issue and a cause for
medical labor induction. I though doing lung could be helpful.

KristinWisgirda: April 22, 2019, 1:23pm
In discussing edema on multiple occasions, Toby explained that edema can be either surface or interior. Most often
I have seen him treat general or local edema as interior damp, either by supplementing St or LI. It would be great to
hear his experience with edema in pregnancy, for further guidance. Of course knowing amniotic fluid levels would
be so helpful in giving this patient an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. This is one of the reasons I’m not sure
about LI+, along with the caveat about LI+ during pregnancy.

KristinWisgirda: April 23, 2019, 12:46am
Toby answering questions about edema in pregnancy.
My questions are in brackets, followed by his responses.
<Are there any special considerations for edema in pregnancy?>
Yes, not too much LI (too drying) and not too much St (too descending).
<Each patient needs to be evaluated individually, but are there indicators specific to pregnancy which will tell use
if the damp is more surface or internal?>
Not really…
<Your caution against using LI since “babies like wet” is noted. As well pregnant ladies with edema can also have
concurrent low amniotic fluid but we might not have amniotic fluid levels to use as a guide. Thank you for any
I’m like a broken record! See LI comment above.
Yeah, I don’t have any special insight here with edema vs low amniotic fluid. Case by case…
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