Adina_Kletzel: March 15, 2021, 11:26am
Has anyone had experiences using Ht fresh that they can share?
Toby explained about it in one of the classes that it is a two point combination for congestion at sternal notch. It is
for being all bound up emotionally and physically.
I just used it alone in a treatment for a client who fits this description. Her chief complaint is migraines but the
migraines come because she is so bound up and so stressed and she feels it in that area.
I only used HT fresh one other time for this complaint in another client and I did not see any improvement from it.
I thought I would try it again.
I was wondering if it is meant to be used alone as an individual treatment or in combination with other channels? I
also wanted to know what its strength is – is it like doing a channel treatment?
I think I understand its purpose but I am not so sure of the practical application of this treatment.
I would love to hear of others have experience with Ht fresh.
George_Mandler: March 15, 2021, 6:59pm
I spoke with Toby and he will be discussing Heart Fresh in the advanced class in September. In the meantime use
the tools we have – including CHM which sounds like it can address this chest bind.???
sfink #3March 15, 2021, 7:38pm
Can you give more details about the advanced class in September?
Tobydaly1: March 17, 2021, 11:37pm
Tentative dates: Sept 25-26
Tentative topics: deconstructing four point combinations, advanced case studies, the role of the Ren and Du Mai
Hope you can make it,
3 Likes08/01/2024, 14:41Use of Heart Fresh – Qiological Community
cassiopeia #5March 22, 2021, 3:00pm
sorry for the all caps. that is the degree of my curiosity.
George_Mandler: March 22, 2021, 4:35pm
Toby will introduce it in the Sa am extraordinary break dancing September class. I hope this is not a heart breaker
for you.