Adina_Kletzel: February 8, 2022, 9:06pm
Does Parkinsons have any intrinsic Saam imbalances or is it a completely individual diagnosis based on the
patients own personal imbalances?
Particularly, does the shaking of the hands tell us any for sure imbalance?
I know that shaking can be seen as windy if Kid excess matches but shaking can also be seen as a kind of lack of
My client’s hand shakes even more when she is nervous so I see that as more of a lack of consolidation.
My client was told however that the more exercise she does the slower the degeneration will be – that is based on
the fact that Parkinsons slows down the brain and exercise keeps adds certain beneficial movement to the system –
so that would perhaps be a strike agains Kid+.
Does anyone have any particular successes with slowing down the symptoms of Parkinsons through Saam? Any
insights in general related to treating Parkinsons disease?
George_Mandler: February 8, 2022, 11:42pm
Hi Adina
I’ll start with the generic Sa’am answer to fully take in the patient and parse all that you see.
I have not treated PD with Sa’am so do no have a good answer for you. During the life of this forum it has been
mentioned as someothing difficult to get results. Hopefully someone may be able to share a Sa’am PD success
story. I checked in with Toby and he said unforunately he does not hae good clinical experience with PD either.
Perhaps you’ll be the first to report some positive outcomes Adina!
Particularly, does the shaking of the hands tell us any for sure imbalance?
Could be thunderous wind perhaps.
Could be too much movement and a need for consolidation perhaps.
she is nervous so I see that as more of a lack of consolidation.
Could be she needs shielding.08/01/2024, 13:41Treating Parkinsons with Saam – Qiological Community
My client was told however that the more exercise she does the slower the degeneration will be – that is based
on the fact that Parkinsons slows down the brain and exercise keeps adds certain beneficial movement to the
system – so that would perhaps be a strike agains Kid+.
I see what you are thinking, but I think it is a bit of a stretch to correlate a supplement of KD+ with not exercising.
If she has clear SI excess signs then supplement KD+ would be a consideration for me.
Good luck and please post if you get some results.