Treating kids with Sa’am

sfink: December 16, 2020, 10:33pm
Hi everyone
In the intro to sa’am class, Toby says that to treat kids in this lineage, you use the same gauge needles as you do
with adults, but without needle retention. And while I’ve increased my comfort level with using thick guage
needles on adults, I’m totally not there yet with kids – and am still using mostly teishin and/or teeny tiny seirins.
I’m curious as to the experience of those of you that are treating kids with this method. What are you using to
stimulate the points? Any thing else about your experience using Sa’am with kids? I would love hear.

George_Mandler: December 17, 2020, 3:33am
I am not there yet either with the thick needles for kids. Toby said his teacher Sunim used the same size needles for
kids. ( Gosh I’d love for him to show up on my doorstep to treat my daughter who desperately needs.a ST+
supplementation and will not let me get near her with a needle.)
I think this is so child dependent, I have treated 2 11/12 yo with my regular needles (.40 and .30 on Jing well) but
they has a high tolerance to the discomfort. They were so satisfying to treat because kids respond quickly! I do not
see many pediatric cases (say below 15) but when I do I check in about how the first needle feels and if
uncomfortable I’ll switch to my old DBCs.
But I am with you on using the fat needles on pediatrics.

KristinWisgirda: December 17, 2020, 1:22pm
Typing “pediatric” into the search bar found this:
Pediatrics and Sa’am
I’ve just treated a 12 year old girl using Saam and had excellent results. She comes with an unclear diagnosis
of Behcet’s disease or perhaps Crohs. Under tx by university med center here. After tx with prednisone
developed pain in all joints, and especially whole right leg, particularly the knee and spasticity along the St
channel in the thigh. hard to the touch and sore!. She is a red head with bright eyes and freckles. She was warm
to the touch. On 20 mg prednisone. Puffy face which she said …
It also brings up a couple of other discussions of needling and point stimulation techniques.
Using kids as a search word brought up discussions of Kidney for the most part.
I don’t treat lots of kids but those under 10 yo get thinner needles.10/01/2024, 13:26Treating kids with Sa’am – Qiological Community