Tonify stomach if pulse is excess?

Adina_Kletzel: April 26, 2019, 2:45pm
For someone who is moderately overweight and has dry skin but whose stomach pulse is hard, wiry, stiff and
floating – it jumps right out at you and she has looser stools with a tendency to get diarrhea and gas, would you
tonfiy stomach – to counterbalance damp on inside and dry on outside? Even though the stomach pulse is excess?
Just FYI her stomach symptoms are w/w damp foods and weather.
THanks so much!

michaelmax: April 10, 2019, 4:15pm
Hi @Adina_Kletzel this is a great question and I’m curious to see what Toby and others have to say.
For me, while I consider pulse. I’m more looking at are they “wet” or “dry.” What are the physical characteristics?
Yangming and Taiyin tend to show up as physical body types. In this case a pretty clear Lung Excess presentation.
So it is a good place to start.
And it is helpful to just one side. It’s safer if you are wrong and it will give you clearer information if you are right.
Finally that she has things get worse with damp foods and weather is another sign that dampness in the taiyin is an
Keep us posted on what happen with this patient!

Tobydaly1: April 10, 2019, 9:59pm
My teacher never checked the pulses and got great clinical results just from observing. For this system, consider
giving more clinical “weight” to what you see.