Tinnitus after PC+

mariamorris: July 18, 2019, 11:41pm
My patient has responded well in all his complaints of irritabiity, pain along left GBL channel in upper leg, burning
in digestion, nasal congestion, and sneezing attacks after eating when I’ve supplemented PC, but he always has an
increase in tinnitus after the treatment. This has happened 4 times after PC+ (not in a row as I alternate with other
treatments). I was away for 2 weeks after the last PC+ treatment and he said again ringing in ears increased but all
symptoms were better, then the last couple of days, some symptoms started to return but milder in nature, and the
ringing in his ears also subsided.
This last treatment I supplemented LI because of loose stools and a tendency to need to keep busy otherwise he
would get bored. He passed out immediately but I forgot to ask him about the ringing in ears when he woke.
I believe 5 meridians go to the ear either directly or through luo and paired vessel – SI, LI, ST, GBL, SJ
and the ear is associated w/ Kidney.
Anyone have insight into his response of mostly postitive to balancing GBL by supplementing PC but then having
increased ringing in ears?

michaelmax: July 19, 2019, 4:06am
This is curious @mariamorris,and annoying
At the same time, I suspect it might be the key to cracking the case with him.
Have you considered other channels in your diagnosis?

KristinWisgirda: July 19, 2019, 3:46pm
Knowing more about this patient would help. Given that he had a good response to LI+, at least on the table,
indicates that he has some damp.
From GMP thinking, tinnitus can be understood as a hyperactivity affecting the ears. How would grounding,
inward moving P be aggravating that tendency? Something to ponder.
Please let us know what you find.26/01/2024, 11:49Tinnitus after PC+ – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community