Thoughts on the Counterbalances

michaelmax: April 5, 2019, 8:52am
The counterbalances in the Sa’am system are different from our usual way of thinking about yin/yang pairs or great
channel correspondences,
Sometimes we get confused on how, say… the liver counterbalances the san jiao. Or the urinary bladder balances
the heart.
I have found Su Wen 66 to throw some light on how the Sa’am counterbalances work from the “Six Conformation”
And you can get another glimpse of the Sa’am counterbalance dynamic over at:
Look for– A Conversation Along the River- Investigating the Six Levels • Qi075.2
And also check out the article by Liu Du Zhuo that our friends at The Lantern sent along. It’s in the show notes.

Daniel: July 1, 2019, 12:47am
The logic to the counterbalanced pairs as I see it is that each pair conforms to an interior – exterior pair within the
six channel system – but of the two possible options, rather than the option that remains within one phase, the
option that is cross-phase is used, so for the interior-exterior pair, Tai Yin – Yang Ming, rather than Spleen-Stomach
(same phase), Spleen-Large Intestine (Earth-Metal) is used, and rather than Lung-Large Intestine (same phase),
Lung-Stomach (Metal-Earth) is used. For the interior-exterior pair Shao Yin – Tai Yang, rather than Kidney –
Bladder (same phase), Kidney-Small Intestine (Water-Fire) is used and rather than Heart-Small Intestine (same
phase), Heart-Bladder (Fire-Water) is used. For the interior-exterior pair Jue Yin – Shao Yang, rather than Liver-
Gall Bladder (same phase), Liver-San Jiao (Wood-Fire) is used and rather than Percardium-San Jiao (same phase),
Pericardium-Gall Bladder (Fire-Wood) is used. I think these pairings that use different phases in pair, rather than
same phase in pair generate a more dynamically powerful shove.

michaelmax: July 5, 2019, 1:27am
The logic to the counterbalanced pairs as I see it is that each pair conforms to an interior – exterior pair within
the six channel system – but of the two possible options, rather than the option that remains within one phase,
the option that is cross-phase is used, so for the interior-exterior pair26/01/2024, 11:54Thoughts on the Counterbalances – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
Yes, @Daniel I think so too.
We get the dynamic of the yin-yang pairing, but because we are working across phases, rather than within a phase
it brings more power to the process. Less gentle, more powerful as we are creating movement across the phases,
rather than just through a phase.
1 Like26/01/2024, 11:54Thoughts on the Counterbalances – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community

Donley: July 17, 2019, 3:48am
This thought path is quite interesting to me. The first thing I saw when introduced to Sa’am was the correlation
between the pairs and the Kototama Sosei (five element) Cycle. According to Kototama principle, there are 3
different orders of the Five Element cycle (Man, Earth, and Heaven). Kototama principle says to treat each patient
as if they are God. Because they are, indeed, God. This cycle order is the Futunorito order which also separates the
Imperial and Ministerial Fire. With this being my background I am very interested in exploring this further (after I
have had some time with straight-up Sa’am as taught)! Maybe in a year or so I may begin to explore the Sa’am
within this 5 Element Cycle
Here is a photo of the cycle to ponder…
