Thin Limbs, Overweight Torso …

Daniel: April 18, 2021, 8:14pm
Today’s class gave me great insight and clarity on a combination I see a lot in Clinic that has often had me
confused . . . patients with little flesh on their legs and arms (thin limbs) combined with excess flesh on their
bellies and torso sides (somewhat to significantly overweight midsections) . . . today gave me some super
perspective on that presentation!

mgreenberg: April 19, 2021, 1:33pm
I unfortunately had to miss the class.
that is something I see a lot as well and have been confused by. Would you be willing to share the insights?

Daniel: April 23, 2021, 8:01pm
Hi Marleen! Hope things are reasonably ok in your part of Canada!
yes, I have often been confused by those patients who have thin limbs (which I have assumed was ‘internal
dryness’) but were overweight in the midsection. The main patient for discussion in the class had precisely this
presentation. Of course, as always, the entire case has to be assessed but in this case, it was considered that the
midsection excess flesh was internal dampness and the extremities could be considered the ‘periphery’ and
therefore part of ‘external dryness’ . . . an interpretation certainly supported by all of the other facts of the case . . . .