mariayung: October 28, 2023, 4:24pm
I would like some help seeing Stomach excess people better.
So far, the patients that grossly exhibit this imbalance are thin young ladies that have oily skin and acne.
Are there other examples? How could I tell if they have internal dryness outside of being grossly thin and
constipated with dry hard stool? Are there other signs?
Thanks in advance.
empiricalpoint: October 31, 2023, 1:48pm
Don’t forget about the resources aspect. The inability to hold onto resources. Imagine a person who works hard, but
can never get ahead monetarily. Things just never work out. As a fu (yang) organ/channel, there is no capacity to
hold onto resources: currency or internal sustenance (moisture).
Daniel: October 31, 2023, 8:11pm
In addition to morphology, stool and skin . . . other areas where moisture status shows up include eyes, mouth,
throat, vaginal, tendency to dehydration headaches . . . also in addition to general thinness overall . . . pay particular
attention to the ribcage . . is it small (Stomach excess) or large (Lung excess) . . . Lung Excess types also can have
a voice like an opera singer . . . . also consider generally if Qi tends to ‘leak’ down and out . . . Stomach has a
downward influence.
George_Mandler: November 2, 2023, 4:25pm
In addition to what is said …in order to help me untangle the ST/LU dynamic to differentiate if the scale is tipped
one way or the other other I’ll use many datapoints. Ones not mentioned above are the thenar – are they extreme
one way or the other? I’ll also ask about resources/beliefs growing up, get an idea of where they are in life (lonely
or lots of friends), family etc.
I occasionally supplement LU+ on a patient who is near overweight with slight dry skin and financially quite
secure. I found out it worked for her because she had a negative reaction to supplementing ST+ so next treatment I
supplemented LU+ (2 days later) and “it was the best treatment”. I use it occasionally for her when it feels she03/01/2024, 12:22Stomach Excess Type – Qiological Community
needs it. I later found out she used to be super skinny growing up. She is also on biologics for autoimmune and I
often find meds can confuse my diagnosis. (that can be another thread).
Daniel: November 3, 2023, 12:40am
Great points George!!
I have had several cases where the ‘facts of the case’ point to one thing . . . I do the treatment and they have such
an adverse response, I do the opposite treatment (which seems contraindicated by the facts of the case but clearly
indicated by their body) and they respond beautifully!!
On further questioning, it can be in my experience . . something about ‘how they used to be’ (as in overweight, but
no longer) or yes, also a medication complication.