florynb: August 17, 2023, 2:39pm
I know that the subject of LV excess vs SJ excess has been debated for a long time, but I have a case and I would
like some opinions.
I have a patient who has problems with near vision and can see well from a distance, the near vision has gotten
worse and he tells me that he sees better outside in natural light and that he needs more light.
At the same time, he complains of chronic constipation based on bile deficiency (and that he must always take
bile supplements).
Most of the time he stays at home, in his room and reads, watches movies or sleeps. He does not want to leave
the house and prefers not to be disturbed. If he goes out, he dresses carelessly (t-shirt with pants)
He also complains of a ringing in the ears from time to time, possibly after eating.
What seemed interesting to me is the fact that he has dark colored points on his right hand on the SJ and LI
meridians (it is as if the liver has invaded these two meridians, I may be deviating)
Can all these be signs of LV excess?
And I forgot to add, I don t know if it s relevant.
During the massage, the lady who gives him the massage always warns him that the lymphatic system is very
The wife complains that she always buys two or three things of the same kind (so that they don t run out, don t
spoil, don t get lost, so that he s safe)
And the wife also says that he is very impulsive (when he has an idea, he drops everything and gets down to
business, and he doesn t like to be disturbed when he does something.)
Daniel: August 23, 2023, 1:48pm
my suggestion is to first and foremost focus on the centrepieces of the Liver- SanJiao distinction as we know it in
Sa Am . . .density/lightness . . . focusing inward/focusing outward . . . let all these other signs and symptoms play a
secondary (but certainly supportive or unsupportive in ways not to be disregarded) role and focus first on the04/01/2024, 11:27Some clarifications LV excess vs SJ excess – Qiological Community
Sa Am non-negotiables . . . is he gazing inward or outward (dull or bright eyes)? . . . is he dense or light? . . . how
porous or non-porous is he to the world?
George_Mandler: September 5, 2023, 10:10am
I agree with Daniel s response.
Can all these be signs of LV excess?
Him needing more light, he sounds heavy in his energy. The dark spots are also a clue that something is up with
that pairing. The impulsivity perhaps he is not so thoughtful or aware.
So I think you are right on.
If what Daniel suggested checks out let us know how supplementing SJ+ went for him.