Shaoyang excess diagnosis

Raui: January 30, 2020, 2:12am
Hey all!
I have encountered a patient who is has too much SJ and GB. Patient is super aware, very peircing eyes, reports
that they wish they could unsee the things she has seen etc and can be quite verbally aggressive to their loved ones.
She also came in with a red sore on her left eye. She could really do with some cool dark livery energy but also
some inward librarian energy. What I am wondering is whether the fact that both Shaoyang are affected is there a
different approach to this than Lv+ and then Pc+? I find that there is some difference when needling Lv+, her eye is
less sore and immediately feels relief but after 3 treatments I feel like it’s not progressing fast enough and her eye
will go back to feeling sore. The other day I added PC+ as well as Lv+ and it’s not much better than Lv+ by itself
so I am sitting here scratching my head, am I being impatient or is there a deeper aspect at play here?
Swollen, very slightly pale and purple, red dots all around the top
Right side almost implacable, very weak and a bit tight
Left side has a slightly wiry guan
Ps: Heh…funny how these things work. Just heard from my patient and her eye hasn’t hurt since the last treatment
(which was double lv+ now I’ve checked my notes, first was Lv+ then Lv+ Pc+ and most recently Lv+ x2). So I
guess it worked for the main symptom, I look forward to seeing her again and seeing if there’s a difference in the
other shaoyang symptoms.

KristinWisgirda: January 30, 2020, 1:22pm
Hi Raui,
Thanks for sharing your case.
am I being impatient or is there a deeper aspect at play here?
This is impossible to comment on without a full description of the patient’s presentation. Pulse description, unless
it is rapid (H excess) doesn’t have weight in Saam. It is highly unlikely that the only imbalances in her system are
along the Shaoyang/Jueyin.24/01/2024, 11:58Shaoyang excess diagnosis – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
What I am wondering is whether the fact that both Shaoyang are affected is there a different approach to this
than Lv+ and then Pc+?
No, if it is straight up Shaoyang excess. However, Shaoyang excesses with their outward orientation (aggressive
for GB and controlling for SJ) have a way of expressing more loudly strongly as a protection for other deficiencies.
For instance- some people get angry and irritable when they are tired. The core issue is that they are tired. A strong
Gb will want to protect the tired aspect. P+ doesn’t help because what they really need is Lung+.
Just heard from my patient and her eye hasn’t hurt since the last treatment (which was double lv+
So great that the patient is feeling relief! You can’t really argue with results … however going bilateral on a
strategy that gives so/so results is typically not recommended. Usually, so/so results means you need to treat other
excesses. Also Toby strongly suggests not repeating a treatment more than twice, even if results are good, except in
rare instances. Repeated pushing in one direction is often much less helpful than considering the whole wheel and
treating other aspects of the distortion. Just something to consider for the future.

Raui: January 30, 2020, 8:23pm
Thank you so much for your reply!
I would agree that from a more CM perspective her metal element is deficient but she doesn’t really fit the ST
excess Saam pattern as she has dry skin not really damp. Although she does often complain about life. She is thin
and yet has a very water retentive tongue, I guess from a six qi perspective dampness can have its root in dryness
though so maybe it’s a double dry LI excess? She has been a fairly regular patient of mine and I have in the past
tonified St with some mild improvement but that was a while back now. Perhaps 6 months?
Thanks for the tip re only doing the same channel treatment twice. I would normally not double up (in fact it was
the first double treatment I’d done), I just felt that maybe the small shift but returning to equilibrium of disease
needed a more direct message. I will update when I see her again.
What I primarily practice is a balance method that my teacher in Sydney has taught me. It is very effective most of
the time but nothing I’ve done balances her pulses and improves the condition and this is why I wanted to learn
Saam in the first place, sometimes rather than regulating we need to goto the casino and put our chips down on
hearts so to speak. I do use Saam when a pattern screams at me though and a lot of the time with great success.
This one has been tricky for me.
Thanks again!24/01/2024, 11:58Shaoyang excess diagnosis – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community