alisonmorgan: September 28, 2019, 7:43pm
I’m not sure if this is the right place for these questions but here goes:
As I am trying to gather my thoughts and streamline my thinking a few questions came up:
1. If Lung has no work ethic, more of a hobbyist, many resources, things come easily would Stomach be a
person with dedicated work ethic?
2. Shielding is still a concept I can’t get straight in my head. By opposition, Liver is unaware of their
surroundings, possibly leaving a wreck in their wake and unaware, so is san jiao someone who connects
easily with others and leaves themselves “unshielded” or vulnerable because of their extreme awareness of
the outside world/others/surroundings? By contrast what does the liver shielding look like? Would an
example of this be people who talk to you without any eye contact and when they finally do look at you it’s
as if they didn’t even know you were there. The type of people who are just totally in their own head?
Thank you in advance, I am really intrigued by this system!
About the Sa’am Clinical Questions category
michaelmax: September 28, 2019, 7:51pm
Hi @alisonmorgan
(I moved this to the right category for you)
If Lung has no work ethic, more of a hobbyist, many resources, things come easily would Stomach be a person
with dedicated work ethic?
It is not that the Lung does not have an work ethic. it’s that they have resources so they tend to have more free
It’s the Lg Intestine type that hustles, gets stuff done and is effective in their work.
Stomach types, they hustle too, but they often face setbacks and problems. LI types can “harvest” something from
their efforts. ST types often work hard, but resources slip through their hands.
Shielding is still a concept I can’t get straight in my head. By opposition, Liver is unaware of their
surroundings, possibly leaving a wreck in their wake and unaware, so is san jiao someone who connects easily25/01/2024, 11:45Seeking some clarification – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
with others and leaves themselves “unshielded” or vulnerable because of their extreme awareness of the
outside world/others/surroundings?
Yes, Liver types are just kind of clueless about their environment. SJ types, are hyper aware of their surroundings.
SJ people have bright piercing eyes. LV types… eyes more dull. They either don’t look at you, or if they do… they
don’t really connect. It’s not that LV types are in their own head, it’s that they are not really in their body. Their
lack of awareness of the outer world prevents them from being able to skillfully move in the other world. They are
not aware (and thus shielded) from the effect the have on others.
SJ types… they are are the opposite. And often feel like they are responsible for everyone around them.
Does that help?
alisonmorgan: October 1, 2019, 3:59pm
@michaelmax yes thank you, that is very clear and helpful.
AJSClaussen: October 1, 2019, 6:00pm
Does the SJ type’s lack of shielding make them physically as well as energetically more sensitive to their
surroundings? For example are they more prone to allergic sensitivities to mold, pollen, fragrances, etc.? Could
food sensitivities be more common with the SJ type?
KristinWisgirda: October 1, 2019, 6:10pm
As we all are trying to get intimate with the archetypes, here are my offerings.
It’s not that LV types are in their own head, it’s that they are not really in their body.
Quoting from the Liver excess slide from the intro course: “Mental focus is dull and inward.”
So instead of not being in their body, they are too much in their body, but the awareness overall is dull and dense.
san jiao someone who connects easily with others25/01/2024, 11:45Seeking some clarification – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
SJ excess types are open to their environment, including other people but they aren’t necessarily connecting,
depending on your definition of the term “connect”. They are very aware of other people but can be easily
overwhelmed so they might avoid other people for that reason.
KristinWisgirda: October 1, 2019, 6:22pm
Does the SJ type’s lack of shielding make them physically as well as energetically more sensitive to their
surroundings? For example are they more prone to allergic sensitivities to mold, pollen, fragrances, etc.? Could
food sensitivities be more common with the SJ type?
It is a mistake to equate outward focus/environmental awareness with environmental reactivity. So the answer to all
3 questions is no.
For allergies and sensitivities I would look at the way they manifest in an individual’s body and then add that to the
Saam picture. Sharon Weizenbaum’s take on allergies makes the most sense to me. She looks to the body’s reaction
to the irritant as a manifestation of the way that irritant aggravates an individual’s disrupted physiology. She calls
this pathology “poor processing”. So itchy eyes is poor processing of wind in the eyes, because itchiness is a sign
of wind and it is happening in the eyes. That is all we can say for sure about that symptom. Then we have to
connect it back into the patient’s overall presentation and explained why that patient is reactive in this way. This is
very applicable to Saam thinking.
AJSClaussen: October 1, 2019, 7:10pm
Thank you for the clarification, very helpful.
alisonmorgan: October 2, 2019, 9:31pm
@KristinWisgirda can you expand on this:
“So instead of not being in their body, they are too much in their body, but the awareness overall is dull and dense.”
I am trying to think of an example of this in clinic and I’m coming up dry.
Thanks in advance!
Alison25/01/2024, 11:45Seeking some clarification – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
KristinWisgirda: October 2, 2019, 9:39pm
Liver excess folks won’t step away from the counter if you come into the kitchen with your arms full of groceries.
In your office, they take off their shoes and leave them in the middle of the floor. They put their stuff on the surface
you keep your needles, even though you have offered them a shelf. They put a 1/2 full cup of coffee in your trash.
So many of their behaviors could be called rude, but really they are just stuck in their own inner worlds and don’t