Rheumatoid Arthritis – ROM


I have a 32 y.o. patient with severe rheumatoid arthritis in the knees and elbows to the point where she is wheelchair bound. The problem started 6 years ago. Western meds haven’t been helpful.

She has swollen knees and elbows hot to the touch. She has responded really well to LI+, SI+, SP-, UB+. I have used P+ and SJ+ but the results weren’t as telling. The heat and swelling have reduced 65%. She is still unable to increase her ROM. She can’t flex or bend her knees.

I have a couple of questions:

1.) I have attached a picture of her eyes to see if she is more Liver or SJ? She has pink flush to her face, and slightly cold toes. I am thinking she is still LV excess as her eyes seem dull to me. The flushing of the face and the heat she feels deter me from using SJ+ again. However, I think it may create less density in her knees and surrounding muscles. Her density is a 2+ in the legs, but her back it is 5+. Her IT band and hamstrings are very tight.

2.) Will she regain her ROM and use of her legs again?

3.) Other ideas to help her would be greatly appreciated.


George_Mandler Replied

Hi Maria
Thank you for posting the case. This is a a difficult one and I assume she must be on at least a biologic plus methotrexate or something of the combo. Since she has responded well to supplementing LI+, SI+, BL+ I would continue to use them regularly until you stop seeing results.

I agree on the LR excess in the eyes and perhaps stay away from the SJ/LR combo for her until you gain clarity as you work together. There is no need to try and force a channel pair into your diagnosis.