Adina_Kletzel: June 1, 2021, 11:13am
Has anyone had good results treating acute cold sores?
My client came in with tow huge cold sores on the palette underneath her tongue.
THey were red with a big white circle in the middle of them.
She says that she gets them when very stressed.
I treated Bl+ and will know the results tomorrow.
I was also considering ST+ because the stomach opens to the mouth and I thought that the white may indicate
some damp.
I think I once heard though that a white pussy middle can indicate toxic heat. Has anyone else heard this?
Any thoughts?
George_Mandler: June 4, 2021, 4:37pm
I have not treated them with Sa’am. If it feels burning then BL+ supplementation seems reasonable, especially
since the HT/tongue connections. Perhaps ST+ supplementation’s well, but we are brining moisture to the outside
with that treatment so not so sure.
Does she have digestive symptoms. How would you treat her if she had no cold sores?