Jeffrey: September 18, 2019, 12:42pm
if a patient is objectively neutral-warm; hands and feet feel the same as the rest of the body, though, they cool-cold
subjectively, is there a saam supplementation for this, a pearl that has been tossed out to us? (I thought I heard
SJ+for this, but cannot remember where or if it’s correct?)
KristinWisgirda: September 18, 2019, 3:01pm
a pearl that has been tossed out to us
The pearls have to be supported by other signs and symptoms fitting the diagnosis.
Yes, you can use SJ+ if the patient feels cool subjectively but isn’t cool to the touch because it is somewhat
warming but not fiery like H+. I would still want to see clear Liver excess signs.
You can also use Liver+ for cold hands and feet from blood xu or circulation problems with a SJ excess
background- sensitive to environmental temperature changes, heat/above cold below.