KristinWisgirda: June 10, 2020, 11:09pm
For a long time, SJ+ was the treatment used least in my clinic. A number of experiences with have helped me
understand the Liver/SJ better. I’m writing about them as a way of reflecting on them.
A mom was preoccupied by the perceived injustice that her daughter did not receive an award. The patient is
typically lively and engaged but this day her eyes were dull and she barely responded to me, except to occasionally
mention the resentment she had over her daughter’s situation. Her body was still and barely breathing while she
said her mind was racing. The air in the room felt dim and dead. Treating SJ+ lifted the energy of the room and she
got up from the table giggling.
I chose this patient to write about to recollect the feel of being with someone so clearly in a Liver excess state, so I
can notice when it presents in subtler ways. In hindsight, Kidney could be considered for over the top
protectiveness of one’s offspring. Liver density and Kidney consolidated self could be confused. Besides the
obvious outer presentation of a Kidney excess, how would Kidney’s consolidation of fire and water feel different
than Liver’s cool inward density? Kidney would want recognition due to someone who is the center of the
universe. There is fire in that water. My Liver excess patient was content to stew in her own juices. She was
practically unreachable in her pretreatment state.
A patient who benefited from many Liver+ treatments (lots of SJ excess signs >=7) opens up about life long
recurring dark depressive episodes, lasting 1 -3 days, with invasive thoughts of “I don’t want to live”, “I can’t do
this anymore.” Believably, she admits that she would never act on these thoughts. True to her SJ excess, one of the
reasons is that suicide would be too messy for other people. She tends to isolate herself at these times as she gets
easily irritated but remains miserable. Nothing feels right, though she admits her life is one of easy privilege.
Interacting with her social work clients makes her feel better in a way that regular busyness doesn’t. She remains
fully functional through these episodes. As we are discussing her situation, I notice she is holding her breath now
and again.
H+ did nothing, even though she runs cold. She leans clearly toward K excess, so Kidney wasn’t an option. She
wasn’t falling apart. The “I can’t do this anymore” sounds less suicidal and more like a very bad case of inwardly
imploding “woe is me”. That with the instinct to isolate in her misery sounds like Liver excess.
SJ+ was deeply settling with great results. During followup, she reported that life seemed so much easier and
relaxed. Paradoxically, she felt less of an impulse to try to be in control. An urgency and dissatisfaction that was
ever present even when she wasn’t depressed was also gone. She was no longer holding her breath. This last point
gave me an idea for the next patient.
A woman undergoing chemo for a recurrence of ovarian cancer had shortness of breath believed to be a side effect
of the chemo. She would have to stop and catch her breath after walking up a flight of stairs or even a short
distance on level ground. Before chemo, she walked miles without a problem. She is warm natured and warm
bodied, pretty 8+, bright eyed 6+, and polite 8+. Her body isn’t particularly light or dense. P+ partially helped her
insomnia. St+ and SI+ helped her bloating and constipation. ST+ and LI+ helped the neuropathy in her hands and
feet. Nothing had yet changed her SOB. When asked about her moods, you can feel her tighten up when she
answers that she always keeps a positive attitude. When asked again, I also noticed a darkness and pinched15/01/2024, 12:37Opening to the Light – Qiological Community
expression when talked about the importance of staying positive. She softens when she says she wishes she could
see more people than the COVID shutdown will allow.
Once the SJ+ needles were in, she took a spontaneous huge breath and settled deeply. Later she reported her SOB
was better!
Which channels do you seem less likely to treat?
Raui: June 11, 2020, 9:35am
Thanks for sharing all that Kristen! I appreciate the time you’ve put in to helping others understand this system by
sharing your experiences.
I have a bit of experience with SJ xs as I have a loved one who is very SJ xs. They normally LOVE Lv+
treatments, although seemingly out of the blue sometimes they turn super Lv xs and SJ+ treatment sorts them out
really well. I have noticed this with 2 different SJ xs patients where they suddenly present Lv xs.
It sounds like you’ve had a similar experience with the patient you’ve mentioned, is this a dynamic you’ve seen
often with SJ xs patients?
KristinWisgirda: June 11, 2020, 3:01pm
seemingly out of the blue sometimes they turn super Lv xs and SJ+ treatment sorts them out really well. I have
noticed this with 2 different SJ xs patients where they suddenly present Lv xs.
I have noticed this with other patients as well. It gets me wondering about the various ways 2 counterbalancing
excesses coexist with one another. Did the depressed woman cultivate her SJ powers from an early age as a way to
cope and compensate for her depression? Does a SJ excess occasionally wear our her SJ superpowers and implodes
into Liver excess? In the clinic, Toby has suggested that this is a possibility with counterbalancers. There is always
the possibility that they have received too much treatment in one direction, but that is not the case with my
depression patient. Her depression was life long and not worse after being treated with Liver+.
We don’t have to know the why, though it just another reason to look at your patient with fresh eyes each and every
time and note all the nuances however contradictory they are.
Raui: June 17, 2020, 11:36am
15/01/2024, 12:37Opening to the Light – Qiological Community
The way I relate to this occurence is that the outward motion of Shaoyang via the SJ can only go so far but because
of the relative imbalance cannot enter and exit smoothly leading to a sudden, temporary state of Lv xs. Just like
you said, running out of SJ superpowers and imploding. The spring can only be pulled so far before it resists and
discharges the tension in the opposite direction…maybe that’s just my inner engineer mind at work lol.