Oddly misstating words lately

Donley: July 31, 2019, 5:16pm
Hello everyone,
I have a patient who has made this statement, “I have been oddly misstating words lately.” This made me think of
Lv excess, but I’m not entirely sure if it fits into the dull and inward mental focus category or not. I know the
whole presentation needs to be considered. For example, if a patient were to say this, but they were a LI excess
type that may indicate that they are overextended, but would a LI excess person have this issue arise?
I’m not sure if this is really a question or not. Just pondering out loud, I guess.

michaelmax: August 1, 2019, 3:07am
Make me wonder @Donley if there is an element of thin phlegm here.

KristinWisgirda: August 1, 2019, 1:57pm
The only “for sure” about this symptom is some kind of disconnect between spirit and action. Could be of a cloudy
nature- too damp, too dense- but could from a kind of scattering. The symptom by itself doesn’t tell you much.
From personal experience, when I am really tired, my word recall is poor and my thinking isn’t razor sharp. In my
case, more of a qi xu rather than damp obscuring.