Daniel: October 28, 2020, 4:30pm
50 year old woman with hot flashes day and night and face turning bright red with each flash.
One HT + treatment and hot flashes went down to only two flashes in the entire week after the treatment.
Supplementing Heart for Hot Flashes?
Heating her up to Cool her down?
Well . . . . .
Substernal was Cold and Tight.
Pulse was slow
She is generally a very cold person
Her metabolism has gone to zero – packing on the weight (50 pounds in six months) despite being active and not
Clearly, she needed a HT+ treatment despite being hot.
Go with the full picture, regardless!
Hot flashes and slow pulse
Adina_Kletzel: October 28, 2020, 9:25pm
Wow… Thanks for sharing that. What an important case to learn from.
Substernal was Cold and Tight.
Do you give a lot of weight to the substernal – as in when the substernal is tight but the person is hot all of the time
(not just with hot flashes)?
Daniel: October 28, 2020, 10:34pm
Hi Adina. . . . . I have found the substernal to be one of the most confusing signs in this system – I often find it
contradicts everything about the case OR I will find its cool but soft or warm but tight. In this case, of course, its12/01/2024, 11:28More From the “Anything can be Anything” School . . – Qiological Community
the whole picture but what really tipped it for me was this hypo-functioning metabolism to the extreme – that just
made me feel like I had to go with HT+ for her first treatment . . .
michaelmax: November 5, 2020, 3:55am
Go with the full picture, regardless!
This for me is the thing that both easy and hard about the system.
Easy in that when you “see” it, you really see it. The whole gestalt comes together. Suddenly you have a 3D
topographical map.
The hard part is when I get stuck on one thing… in you case here “hot flashes” and so miss how the thing I thought
was important was a red herring.
We truly have to hold it all lightly. and when we do, the system will teach us in a lively way.
Daniel: November 5, 2020, 11:28am
We truly have to hold it all lightly. and when we do, the system will teach us in a lively way.
Perfectly said!
not sure I feel ok with the ‘red herring’ characterisation Michael – the ‘piece’ that might be leading you astray . . . .
my understanding and the appreciation I am growing into is that ‘it’ is just part of a more complex full picture
dynamic – in other words, referring to this case specifically, the hot flashes are fully part of a picture with a
dynamic – and the fact that ultimately, ‘warming her up’ eliminated the hot flashes yields a rich understanding of
the dynamic behind the hot flashes themselves. As I understand it ‘red herring’ refers to a kind of irrelevant
diversionary rhetorical strategy.
michaelmax: November 5, 2020, 3:55pm
As I understand it ‘red herring’ refers to a kind of irrelevant diversionary rhetorical strategy.12/01/2024, 11:28More From the “Anything can be Anything” School . . – Qiological Community
Yes, you’re right.
In this case it is my focus on one thing, without being more attentive to the whole system, that leads me astray.
And yes yes yes to the importance of seeing what ever is standing out as part of a wider dynamic. I think that is
something that Saam invites us into, and allows us to use the diagnostics of the system to select the most helpful
And with this case here (sorry, herb brain working again) it is a case of deficient fire floating up and causing the
hot flashes. If I was using herbs I would be loading her up on a fu zi formula. Which would make no sense to a
beginning herbalist. But again, when we see the dynamic, then the treatment becomes much easier.