Lung/Stomach Resources and Perception

Raui: April 18, 2019, 5:02pm
Hello everyone!
So I know that we shouldn’t entirely focus on non bodily aspects for earth/metal phases but I had a question
regarding a patient.
Chief complaint was feeling flat, unmotivated and lethargic, maybe even a little depressed though that’s my
impression not a reported feeling. She had dull eyes and was a little guarded to questioning, aha! Lv excess! So I
tonified SJ and had a great result first treatment, she smiled and started laughing after I put all the needles in before
promptly calming down and settling into the zone, left feeling great.
Second time wasn’t as effective and I was wanting to do St but am following the 1 channel at a time advice. I was
even going to try it instead of SJ the second time but wanted to clarify something first.
She is definitely damp inside, dry outside and I would say she is rather resourceful, while she doesn’t work her
partner has what seems to be a decent paying job which supports them both but she wants to have her own money.
Despite her saying she has financial abundance through her relationship she feels like she hasn’t got enough
resources that she and only she controls.
I can understand her feelings about this but it makes me wonder. I don’t know the ins and outside of their financial
situation but I heard enough that this question arose. Are her feelings more important than her seeming “reality”?

michaelmax: April 18, 2019, 5:17pm
Second time wasn’t as effective and I was wanting to do St but am following the 1 channel at a time advice. I
was even going to try it instead of SJ the second time but wanted to clarify something first.
Spot on! This will help you gain clarity in your clinical practice.
Despite her saying she has financial abundance through her relationship she feels like she hasn’t got enough
resources that she and only she controls.
I can understand her feelings about this but it makes me wonder. I don’t know the ins and outside of their
financial situation but I heard enough that this question arose. Are her feelings more important than her
seeming “reality”?26/01/2024, 12:37Lung/Stomach Resources and Perception – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
As Toby is fond of saying “this is the reality of clinic” in that we need to suss out her sense of herself vs how she
appears in the world.
Taking the tack of tonifying ST for her will help to clarify your question here. Certainly her physiology would
likely benefit. As to the issue of “having” resources and being able to “control” those resources… that is something
you’ll have to explore.
Keep us posted. Interesting case!

ngmatthews: October 4, 2021, 5:15pm
I would not put the financial resources issues ahead of the fluid physiology issue in this case. Since she had a great
result using SJ, why not just continue with that pattern for a couple more treatments. The excess Liver pattern can
be a murky one, and I think appears a bit like a damp pattern at times, being like the dark damp forest. It cannot
hurt to just repeat the tx and see what happens. Don’t question yourself unless the treatment really did not improve
things. Even then, remember that each treatment affects the whole circle of 12, so there is no loss!

KristinWisgirda: April 19, 2019, 9:11pm
Like @ngmatthews, I strongly consider fluid physiology and damp for my depressive patients. I’ve had many
depressed patients with Lung or Spleen excess morphology feel so much better when those patterns are treated
with Stomach+ or LI +, as appropriate.

Raui: April 23, 2019, 3:08am
Thank you everyone for your input. Like I said in the OP I know that immaterial qualities are less important for
Earth and Metal phases but it was still an interesting dynamic I observed and appreciate the feedback. Good to hear
of your experiences with the damp/depressive type patients. A murky forest is a good way to describe this patient,
though occasionally she is actually a bit SJ. Super se positive and aware despite the heavy depression, just treating
how she is on the day is the way I’ve been going.
I have not seen her since but when I see her next I will treat St, Sj didn’t do anything bad but it honestly didn’t do
any good either. I could tell the difference when leaving the patient to rest, first time it’s like a big calm descended
on the room after her initial meter wide smile and giggle, second time just felt like nothing changed. I will be
seeing her later in the week and will keep you all posted.26/01/2024, 12:37Lung/Stomach Resources and Perception – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community

michaelmax: April 23, 2019, 3:53am
I could tell the difference when leaving the patient to rest, first time it’s like a big calm descended on the room
after her initial meter wide smile and giggle, second time just felt like nothing changed.
I’ve noticed this too @Raui, sometimes if I’m attentive the feeling in the room shifts. I can see the patient’s
eyelids get a little puffy and start to drop, their mouth loses it’s usual character and softens. The face in general will
lose its tension.