danosu77: June 23, 2020, 8:21pm
@michaelmax How do you needle KI 10 in supine patients for Saam? Do you bend the knee and leave it bent
during treatment? Any point location pearls for KI 10?
My other question is for the deeper points where we want to thread the needle with/against the channel. I am sure
this will be convoluted, so forgive me in advance! If I were to need to supplement ST 36 would I insert the needle
over the location of ST 36 at a 20 degree angle OR would I want to calculate the depth of the point and then move
my insertion point proximal enough so that with a 20 degree angle, the needle would pass through the energetic
center of the point at depth? I realize I am likely overthinking this and yes, it is likely part of my pathology
KristinWisgirda: June 23, 2020, 9:13pm
yes, it is likely part of my pathology
Sa am being love medicine- (almost) all pathologies are welcome Needle technique and location are really
important so you can t ask too many questions.
Toby uses the traditional location of K10. A pillow gives a bend to my patients knees and no special positioning is
needed to access the point. You
might want to spread the tendons to open the point more. The needle is angled into the flesh. It needs to be more
obliquely angled in fleshy people.
This is the technique T describes for all points. Insert the needle at the site of the point, not above or below. Use
even technique to get de qi, then slide the needle into the channel in the proper direction using appropriate
supplementing or draining technique. Bind the tissue when possible.
1 Like23/01/2024, 12:05KI 10 and other “deep” points – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
michaelmax: June 24, 2020, 9:14pm
Sa am being love medicine- (almost) all pathologies are welcome
LOL. And it s true. @KristinWisgirda you are hilarious
michaelmax: June 24, 2020, 9:17pm
Hey @danosu77
I ve heard others ask this and what I ve heart Toby say is that you basically insert where the point is, and then
thread. That is what I ve seen him do as well.
And because you ve studied some of the EV stuff, I d say go with what you feel, and attend to the Channel
Dynamic and YR as that will give you helpful information.