Just doesn’t make sense!

mariayung: November 1, 2023, 9:49pm
I have a 67 y.o. male patient with essential tremors and depression.
He has really cold feet 8+ but his eyes are squinty (not small but half closed, hard to see) and are dull. He has
social anxiety since retiring. He is not very aware of his emotions and feelings. He doesn’t pay too much attention
to his surroundings. After starting anti-depressants, his family says he is more engaged. His muscle density (5/10).
His demeanor is dull and slow (though Ren12 is soft and he feels warm until the ankles). He has LU excess. So
many signs point to LV excess but what is up with the cold 8+ feet?
He developed essential tremors in his 40s and they have progressively gotten worse. He loses his balance and trips
easily but beta blockers seem to help with those issues. Attached is a copy of his heels. Often, I can’t tell if the
dried heels are fungal or dry. How do others differentiate this? I associate tremors and lost of balance as wind from
too much consolidation. Can SI excess also cause tremors and lost of balance?
Thanks in advance!03/01/2024, 12:20Just doesn’t make sense!

empiricalpoint: November 1, 2023, 10:27pm
What is his body like? What is his complexion like? Can you say more about the social anxiety…is he just an
introverted person? How warm and engaged is relationship with family? How damp is he?

mariayung: November 1, 2023, 11:00pm
He is a stocky man with a large chest 6+. His complexion is dull 5+. His demeanor is sleepy, slow and doesn’t like
to say much. When I ask how he feels or if he felt better or worse after his last treatment, he just shrugs and says he
can’t tell much of a difference. He used to be a corporate lawyer. He doesn’t feel bad that he is retired as he doesn’t
miss his work. Today, he was the most talkative than he has ever been (he upped his antidepressant) but he
reminded me of eeyore.
The pandemic exacerbated his normal anxiety to the point where he gets anxious before any event outside the
house. The anxiety gets worse when he is out of the house so he prefers to not go out. His wife is ill so he is
concerned about not getting her sick.
He has dry eyes, a belly, dry skin 4+, enlarged prostate, normal BM. He has intermittent afib.
I did do SJ+ more recently, but he didn’t notice much.
His ice cold feet really throw me!

empiricalpoint: November 2, 2023, 4:06pm
Hmmm… language and words can be super tricky. I am wondering if the idea of “dull” might be more damp?
Sometimes I can become super drilled into a certain aspect of a person and consequently become blinded to other
important clues. Wondering, if perhaps, you leave the SJ <—>Liv continuum for now and focus more on the facts
you feel are more undeniable. Have you worked on cleaning up the internal damp with Stomach treatment? This
would help emollify the skin and perhaps lift the Eyeore affect ???
Stated ideas that have me thinking about damp: lung morphology, dry skin, dry eyes, dry belly, enlarged prostate.
The cold feet might just be a consequence of poor circulation that is impeded by all dampness.

empiricalpoint: November 2, 2023, 4:17pm
Just one more thing…
Your previous question on the forum was referencing stomach excess types and their overall vibe and presentation.03/01/2024, 12:20Just doesn’t make sense! – Qiological Community
It might be a great exercise to think about these women on one end of a continuum and this lung excess gentleman
on another. Thinking about physical, emotional, and chief complaints. I sometimes use these types of polar
presentations to create mental snapshots. When you see them them down the road, your ability to SEE is amplified.

George_Mandler: November 2, 2023, 6:29pm
I agree with Sharon to look at the ST/LU dynamic. Also I’d consider supplementing SI+ if you see any signs of
blood stasis – the heels don’t look too bad in that picture but if he has an constipation then SI+/ST+ can be really
I missed temp – he is on beta blocker – does he run warm? Look at BL/HT dynamic too – beta blockers slow down
the heart and he feels better on them. On the flip side his overall demeanor is not somoene I woudl think about
supplementing BL+ since he sounds hypo overall. Although going out seems to hype his anxiety. (Maybe
supplement BL+ with BL66+ to help with urination)
Don’t get tripped by the feet. The cold feet is just one datapoint in many.
This is one of those complicated cases you need to feel deeper and connect. I do find medications can confuse
things for me.
(Make sure he isn’t taking any fish oils with that Afib)

mariayung: November 3, 2023, 11:49pm
I have tried SI+ (2x) , ST+( 2x) , LV+, P+(2), SJ+, K+ thus far. Nothing too impressive with any of it. Always, his
response is muted and I can’t get much info out of him. Very hard to gauge whether the treatments are working or
UB/HT dynamic is tricky. He says he runs warm. He is always wearing shorts. He doesn’t feel cold to the touch.
His midline is soft.
He seems really rooted so I was very hesitant with P+, but reassures me he is reactive, has a temper and not that
calm. He doesn’t sleep too well and has very tight traps.
He is a paradox!