Shanlarson: November 27, 2019, 10:11pm
Hi everyone,
I’ve been working with SAAM almost exclusively for a year. I know there is a lot more to discover just using one
channel at a time but truthfully on the odd occasion I have been combining 2 channels, like Liv and Heart.
Recently when I wasn’t getting anywhere with a patient who had a deep chest cough with watery phlegm I
combined LI and HT and the patient immediately felt the heaviness in her chest resolve. I haven’t done 2 channels
a lot but I want to be responsible and have as much knowledge about that as possible. For example if it went south
would I do both the opposites channels? And I’m dying to know the connection to REN and DU in SAAM.
Anyway I will keep plugging away with my 1 channel at a time but I am eager to learn more!
Hint hint Toby…
michaelmax: November 30, 2019, 7:52pm
Hi @Shanlarson
Working Saam exclusively for a year huh?
I suspect there is something that the system and your experience has been teaching you. And so you could couple
up LI with HT and get the results you did.
And after a year, you naturally begin to see how paired up channels can be helpful. It sounds like you’re getting it.
Your experience is speaking to you.
As to knowing if you are on track with using two channels. Yes… more complicated. That being said, that I’ve
found is this—
First do one channel. Check the pulse, the complexion, the tongue, the… whatever other markers you use to let you
know if the treatment is on track; or not.
Maybe pause and see how the room feels. Sometimes things will feel “right” but something is still missing. Then
you can add that second channel and again… pause… check your markers.
If things are off, I’d simply remove the second channel’s needles and leave things as they were.
I think it is important to first know the first channel is “not wrong” before proceeding to the second. That helps to
create clarity in your mind. And safety for your patient.
As to intermediate… coming next year.
Finally, can you share with us your thinking behind LI with HT for this patient? Sounds like you tapped into
something that would be worth sharing.15/01/2024, 17:39Is Toby going to teach a “level 2” class? – Qiological Community
Jeffrey: December 4, 2019, 3:22pm
Recently when I wasn’t getting anywhere with a patient who had a deep chest cough with watery phlegm I
combined LI and HT and the patient immediately felt the heaviness in her chest resolve.
@Shanlarson, good thinking! good find! Thanks for sharing!
Shanlarson: January 9, 2020, 9:06pm
Been pulled away from the forum for a bit but now that I have the time I wanted to elaborate on this case.
Yes the LI/ HT combo was an interesting case. My Patient was a heavier set woman. Very warm and loving. She’s
a minister. Every year she got this deep chest cough that wouldn’t go away. It came with frothy watery phlegm. Her
skin was dry and she had inhibited urination.
Red face 7+
Dry skin 5+
Bright eyes 4+
Warmth in epigastrium 6+
Talkative 6+
Light sensitivity5+
Feels hot 6+
So she started to see me in the summer when she didn’t have the cough but had the inhibited urination. I started
with BL + and it helped the urination about 50%. She reacted very adversely to St+ . Her face got more red and felt
heart palpitations. I switched in that treatment to LU+ which at first impression seemed wrong but she settled after
the St+ reaction. That week she had a bit of burping and slight indigestion but otherwise was fine. The urinating
was still roughly 50% better. Now it was more winter and wet here in Vancouver. She got her first cold with the
deep cough and Frothy phlegm. I did LI+ and it helped again about 50%. Setting SAAM aside I would say she had
phlegm rheum in the lung. If I was thinking about herbs I would be trying to warm and bake the lung. I decided to
do LI on right and heart on left. I thought the heart would warm the lung the LI resolve the phlegm and they would
balance each other out it temperature. Immediately on the table her chest felt light and she felt a huge
improvement. I repeated it one more time and it resolved. Her urination issue also resolved. She has seen me once
since the the cough came but no longer frothy phlegm. It was more yellow. I did just LI that time and gave her ma
xing shi gan tang and she has been doing great since. It was an interesting case!
KristinWisgirda: January 9, 2020, 9:51pm
Thanks for the case. The more cases, the better!15/01/2024, 17:39Is Toby going to teach a “level 2” class? – Qiological Community
the cough came but no longer frothy phlegm. It was more yellow. I did just LI that time
Good to know that LI+ can be considered when the phlegm is yellow. I tend to be cautious of drying with yellow
phlegm. Maybe the yellow phlegm was still loose and thin?
Shanlarson: January 9, 2020, 10:01pm
The phlegm wasn’t that yellow sticky hard to expectorate just thin yellow. Would you have chosen St+. I wouldn’t
have in her case just because of her negative reaction to it earlier but in a different patient with yellow sticky
phlegm would you choose St+. LI made sense to me as it was cool and drying.
KristinWisgirda: January 10, 2020, 12:06am
For your patient, I would have considered SI+, dynamic movement and warmth to help move the fluids and
partially cooling at the same time. Given the tendency of her lungs to be cool and wet, your climate, and the thin
nature of the phlegm, LI+ makes sense obviously worked.
but in a different patient with yellow sticky phlegm would you choose St+.
Yellow sticky phlegm has lots of possible treatments: UB+, SP+, SI+, ST+ or Lung+ (depending on how deep it is)