Adina_Kletzel: September 2, 2020, 11:40am
I have a case of a 42 year old woman who has hyperlipidemia which causes fat/cholesterol build-up in the arteries
of her heart. She is on intense medication to thin her blood and reduce the build up but the reality is that she is at
constant risk of a heart attack. It is a genetic condition.
Three months ago she was taken off of hormonal birth control and got the copper IUD. She was also put on baby
aspirin blood thinner and her periods are not 12 days long with heavy bleeding.
She is a tall, thin woman who has always been able to eat as much as she wants and not gain weight.
Is married with 4 children
Difficulty sleeping – wakes up between 2:00-3:00 at night and takes her an hour and a half to fall back asleep.
Thirsty for ice cold water – more thirsty at night.
She is hot – especially at night
has dry skin
is meticulous and notices all details
prefers forest over bright sun
has terrible night vision
tends toward anxiety
Lower abdomen soft and mushy
strong ribside tension both sides
CV line tight
LU 10 area weak
medial heel a bit thin and dry
Very red tip
Big crack down the middle
White dry coating
purply tinge Some purple veins under
Thinner tng
Some teethmarks
pulse – thin, wiry, floating
Saam chart
Ht hot 9+ thirsty for ice cold water 8+
GB trouble sleeping 9+
SJ meticulous 8+, attention to details 8+, needs alone time 7+, tends toward anxiety 7+ light airy body 7+
Liv poor night vision 7+
Kid symmetrical 7+, 9+, fertile (has 4 kids) 7+ cramping with period 6+, small blood clots in period 6+,
SI infertility with one pregnancy 6+
St weak LU 10 area 7+
LI thin with dry skin and thirsty 8+ likes to be busy 7+
LU no financial worries 7+,12/01/2024, 12:19Hyperlipidimia causing clogged arteries in heart – Qiological Community
The first treatment I did was LIv+
She is definitely SJ excess and was on the third day of her intense period so tonifying blood seemed like a good
idea. She settled
At some point SI+ would be a good idea to help the blood flow through the narrowing arteries.
I also will consider Bl+ to cool her off and hopefully cool of the blood a bit as well – so it is less thick.
My question concerns how to address the fat deposits in the arteries of the heart.
it seems as if they are internal dampness but she is so thin and dry
It is important that I dont add dampness to a system that has too much damp. I certainly dont want to increase the
incidence of fat deposits
I would love to hear how others would approach this case.
KristinWisgirda: August 26, 2020, 2:16pm
Hi Adina,
Thanks for the case. To my mind, a western diagnosis is always a branch. When I can t detect it with the
diagnostics of our medicine, I have to rely on other aspects of the presentation to diagnose the patient from the
point of view of our medicine. I then should be able to explain from the point of view of our medicine why the
patient has the clogged arteries and how our medicine can help improve the quality of her blood, fluids and vessels.
It is important that I dont add dampness to a system that has too much damp. I certainly dont want to increase
the incidence of fat deposits
It is more helpful to think of the hyperlipidemia as gunked up blood. I can t say for sure that cholesterol=damp.
Gunk is more accurate in that it just says there is excess material substance in the blood. Dryness looks like a
significant part of her picture. She needs physiological moisture to help improve the quality of her blood and
Your symptom analysis jumps to many conclusions that might be misleading you. You put the hyperlipidemia-
which you can t see- under many channels- but then neglect or mislabel many of the signs and symptoms that you
can see. For instance anxiety under SJ excess- anxiety can be any of the 12 channels. Fat deposits under K excess
because of too much consolidation- that needs to go in parentheses with a question mark because while blood stasis
could be a consideration, your analysis is a reach. It is better to focus on what has clinical weight for our
medicine s diagnostics first. The trigeminal neuralgia under SI+ but not under any other channel is also misleading-
so many channels go to the ear!
The purplish tongue with purple sublinguals can go under K excess. Thirst can go under LI excess too. Craving ice
cold water goes under Heart excess. Menstrual cramps goes under K excess, not SI excess.
I totally understand the impulse to want to address the patient s chief complaint which is a serious one. Our
medicine has the capacity to do that but we have to see our patient clearly on our terms. As a starting point, Sharon
always asks us to consider how we would diagnose and treat the patient if we didn t know they have X western12/01/2024, 12:19Hyperlipidimia causing clogged arteries in heart – Qiological Community
diagnosis. This reduces the chance that the western diagnosis will distort our view of the patient so we can focus on
our skill set. Take a fresh look at this case with that in mind and let us know what you see.