Heavy long period every other month

Adina_Kletzel: October 6, 2020, 11:19am
I could use some guidance on the following case:
14 year old girl
got her period around two years ago
Main Complaint: Every other month her period is long 8-9 days and really heavy
the other month is short and light
an ultra sound showed that on ovary is further along in the cycle than it actually was
During the long period she has pain in her lower back that starts on the second day and lasts for the rest of the
period. – kid area
She feels a lot of pressure in her lower back as well.
She also has cramps until day 4-5 that are worse in the evening and at night.
Feels bloated with period and body feels heavier.
She is moodier and gets annoyed more easily during period.
Short period: not alot of blood and shorter. BUT 4 times short period lasted for 3 weeks
Body Temp: hotter, feel hot more at night.
THirst: does not feel thirsty. has to remind self to drink. likes room temp water
has a dry mouth sometimes
Digestion: feel bloated for half an hour after eat
Bowel: only goes 3-4 times a week. normal consistency
Sleep: if have stress or worried then hard time falling asleep
move alot in sleep
Body: sometimes feel achy when wake up. Movement helps
Skin: gets red and itchy in allergy season. putting on cold helps
low pain tolerance.
face and hair get oily
skin on arms dry
gets sweaty and shaky with stress
night sweats once a week
Personality: sweet, seems calm, self-critical, likes being alone – calmer when alone
can get angry – go from 0-100 but more during period
mess doesnt bother her
bright eyes
Tongue – very pale
pale on sides
dry and a bit red in MW
a bit of a red tip
very jumpy12/01/2024, 11:51Heavy long period every other month – Qiological Community
hard and tight
ribside tension – both sides
hard CV line
Saam chart
SJ bright eyes 8+ , polite 9+ self critical 6+
Bl hard CV line 6+
Kid cramps 8+ constipated 7+ feels achy sometimes 5+ bloated b4 period 7+ itchy on skin 6+
Ht too much bld 8+ hot 8+ smell to sweat 6+ move a lot in sleep 6+
GB can get angry 5+ sometimes have trouble sleeping 5+
St constipated and greasy hair 6+
SI too much bld coming out 7+
LU bloated after food 7+
1. Liv +
felt calm. A bit less bloated this week
2. Si +
seemed a bit fidgety during treatment but she said she felt calm
I did not see her yet after this treatment and she did not get her period yet
I was curious if there is any way to understand these on and off heavy periods in Saam eyes.
And if anyone has experience treating this that they can share with me.
I also wondered what others thought about using Bl+ even though her tongue is so pale and she has a hard CV line.
How do others see the wet/dry in her body? It is a bit conflicting.

KristinWisgirda: October 6, 2020, 12:12pm
Hi Adina,
Thanks for the case.
How do others see the wet/dry in her body?
Knowing her morphology would really help.
Also how pretty and into herself is she and how mature does she look? This is really important info for this case.
I also wondered what others thought about using Bl+ even though her tongue is so pale and she has a hard CV
line.12/01/2024, 11:51Heavy long period every other month – Qiological Community
With her significant heat but hard midline (and lack of thirst and preference for room temp), I would do what you
have done and used Liv+ and SI+ first. You will have more info next time you see her.
I was curious if there is any way to understand these on and off heavy periods in Saam eyes.
So many channel excesses can cause heavy bleeding, so I wouldn t put it under H excess unless you are going to
put it under all the other possibilities. Even though she has had her period for 2 years she is just at the end of her
second cycle of 7 years when the menses is expected to arrive. Because her cycles are just getting established, the
irregularity of her flow doesn t really say much to me by itself but one possible explanation of the excess bleeding
is lack of Kidney consolidation.
Let us know what happens. Thanks!

Adina_Kletzel: October 6, 2020, 1:19pm
Knowing her morphology would really help.
Also how pretty and into herself is she and how mature does she look? This is really important info for this
She is very tall and on the thinner side but definitely not stick thin.
She is pretty and symmetrical but moderately so – 6+
she doesnt seem very into herself – wears casual clothing.
So I would definitely not an extreme kid excess bit not necessarily kid def.
The only thing that points to kid def. is the lack of consolidation of her period and her lack of consolidation when
she gets very stressed.
I think there is room to supplement kid at some point – maybe during her period.

KristinWisgirda: October 6, 2020, 8:50pm
[quote= Adina_Kletzel, post:3, topic:1317 ]
The only thing that points to kid def. is the lack of consolidation of her period and her lack of consolidation when
she gets very stressed.
I wouldn t say that the way that you characterized her response to stress could be called lack of consolidation at the
Kidney level.
If her hair is visibly greasy because she isn t taking steps to tend to it, or if her interest in her appearance are less
than you would expect a 14 year old girl to have, count those towards SI excess.12/01/2024, 11:51Heavy long period every other month – Qiological Community