Heat in the stomach

Adina_Kletzel: June 11, 2020, 8:23am
If someone has heat in the stomach which is seen by a strong thirst for ice cold beverages AND a strong yellow
patch right in the center of their tongue does tonifying St and Bl together make the cooling effect of Bl be more
directed toward the stomach?
This is a 14 year old. She is not an overly hot person. In face her face is quite pale, she often feels tired with heavy
legs, and she gets completely washed out from her period so I dont really want to tonify Bl alone. The source of the
heat in the stomach is damp which is causing stagnation but even with LI +, SI +, Liv + that strong thirst for ice
cold drinks and yellow patch on her tongue is not budging.
She also often has a very stuffed nose, itchy eyes, lots of allergies with sneezing and tons of phlegm.
LI +, SI +, PC + has brought improvements in the allergy attacks and stuffed nose but not the heat in the stomach.
Liv heavy dense body +8 not much attention to outside details +8
SJ heat above +7 blood xu +7
Ht heat in stomach and head +8 loving +7 thirsty for ice cold water +9 loves cold fruits & vegs +7
Sp wet on inside and on outside (lots of phlegm on stomach and nose) +8 bored +7 hard getting herself started to
do things +8
Kid itchy eyes +7 blood clots in period +6 get lumps in ears +6
GB + trouble taking deep breaths sometimes +6 wart on skin +7

KristinWisgirda: June 11, 2020, 6:59pm
the cooling effect of Bl be more directed toward the stomach?
Toby has never talked about using a channel to direct the quality of another channel.
she gets completely washed out from her period
If she tends to run on the deficient side, I would not use 2 channels at once. Even more so, if you have not tried
them singly.
It looks like you haven t tried St+ or Lung+. I would look at the balance of damp/dry on the interior/exterior and
use one of those first. It sounds like allergy symptoms are her chief complaint, so using one of these channels will
more likely benefit her chief complaint.
Adina_Kletzel:15/01/2024, 12:38Heat in the stomach – Qiological Community
The source of the heat in the stomach is damp
Is this for sure true? Just being devil s advocate.
strong thirst for ice cold beverages AND a strong yellow patch right in the center of their tongue
I have a patient with chronic constipation who runs cooler rather than warmer. She had a dark yellow coating at the
back of her tongue. UB+ really turned her constipation around when all other fixes were just temporary.
Again, I wouldn t use St+ and UB+ at the same time. By doing so, you are also asking the body to do 2 contrary
things: Dry the interior AND pour ice water on the interior. Isn t her poor system confused enough?