Daniel: August 21, 2020, 3:52pm
I’ve had two cases of elderly men with shingles pain in the last month – both responded very well to Sa’Am
One this week – he’d been in pain for 6 weeks
all over his right torso
had a rash, gone by now but scarring
deep itching inside
high level of pain in his lower abdomen
he’d been eating pain meds like candy
his lateral costal area felt ‘like a tire’ – thick, hard and numb
I did a double treatment
supplemented Small Intestine on the Left to move blood and address his pain
supplemented Large Intestine on the Right to dry out any of the dampness
he just called (four days after treatment) to say he was 95 % better and very very happy.
Sa’Am Rocks
KristinWisgirda: August 21, 2020, 3:56pm
You are on a roll! These dramatic quick successes charge your batteries so you have more juice for the slow
responders and less clear cases.
Daniel: August 21, 2020, 3:59pm
slow responders and less clear cases
yes – and PLENTY of those too!!! was just about to post that12/01/2024, 12:11Getting Great Results with Sa’Am and Shingles . . – Qiological Community
Daniel: August 28, 2020, 6:03pm
Now I am getting a local reputation for Shingles! Two more cases this week, both treated with Sa’Am, both with
great response. One guy has been in pain for two years – nothing has helped. One treatment and his pain and
weeping skin are over 60% better.
It’s so wonderful to be able to help like this – as you know, Shingles pain is very debilitating.
KristinWisgirda #5August 28, 2020, 6:24pm
Awesome Daniel! Weeping skin makes me wonder if you used LI+?
Daniel: August 28, 2020, 7:26pm
Yes, I am no fan of ‘recipe treatments’ at all – but in most of these cases, even though its been on a case by case
basis, the treatment that keeps popping up is one side supplement SI (to move blood and lower the pain) and one
side supplement LI (to dry things out) – the results have been dramatic. And what makes me so happy is that over
the years, in my case, Shingles was a condition I just really often did not get good results with – made me
consistently very frustrated – because of course, these people are in tremendous pain.
I don’t want to gloat too much – in my experience – that can pretty much guarantee the next three Shingles cases to
walk in the door will not respond well!!! LOL. Just being sure to really focus on each case specifically and not get
lazy with ‘what worked before’.
George_Mandler: August 29, 2020, 3:13am
I don’t want to gloat too much – in my experience – that can pretty much guarantee the next three Shingles
cases to walk in the door will not respond well!!!
That has never happened to me. /s
Yes it has taken a while for me not to gloat over the Sa’am great results and just observe and stay matter of fact.
I’ve had too many ‘oh I’ve seen this before I got this’ and did not get the intended response. Both humbling and
frustrating.12/01/2024, 12:11Getting Great Results with Sa’Am and Shingles . . – Qiological Community
KristinWisgirda: August 29, 2020, 11:56am
one side supplement SI (to move blood and lower the pain) and one side supplement LI (to dry things out) –
So it sounds like quality won out over channel in your discrimination. And it worked. One Saam reference
recommends LI+ as the miracle cure for shingles but I always take those formulas with a grain of salt.
My experience with shingles patients is that they tend to be depleted people, making me want to use SI+
I’ve had too many ‘oh I’ve seen this before I got this’ and did not get the intended response. Both humbling
and frustrating.
Me too. Like any practice worth doing, it provides plenty of lessons in humility.
amyjenner: August 29, 2020, 4:35pm
had a miracle shingles treatment this week too. Elderly woman, left side of the back of the head is “the scene of the
crime” as she describes it. The rash spread down and around the neck to the midline. In her ear (yuck!). I treated
PC on the opposite side. Pain relief immediate. She said it felt as though the drain were unclogged and it was
draining. She woke in the night to find her pillow soaked because all the blisters were literally draining. following
day, just minor tenderness at the origin. (also gave her Xiao chaihu tang + yin qiao san)
Daniel: August 30, 2020, 2:44pm
Great – thanks for sharing! Interesting, in your case, GB excess was the ticket. did you decide this based on channel
or quality or both? (yes, two of my recent cases also involved the ear!)
michaelmax: August 30, 2020, 6:10pm
Wished I’d know about Saam a few years ago when I had shingles. It was not pleasant. And I was not able to get
much relief with that acupuncture I knew at the time.
Oddly, large doses of liposomal Vitamin C gave me the best relief. Even herbs was not getting to it.
Hope I don’t have to deal with that again, but if I do… Saam I am!12/01/2024, 12:11Getting Great Results with Sa’Am and Shingles . . – Qiological Community
amyjenner: August 30, 2020, 8:30pm
She is a GB xs person generally and it was channel location …