Get migraine when dont eat

Adina_Kletzel: October 19, 2020, 11:59am
For someone who gets a migraine when they dont eat on time – eat later than they should
is this St def (LU excess)?
This is a 44 year old woman who is thin with dry skin, thirsty and feels so dry around her mouth that she constantly
has to put vaseline there.
sallow complexion.
She is always hot.
She has 4-5 loose bowel movements a day.
Migraines come with heat, too much exertion, and when didnt eat on time.
She has a very strong appetite – always hungry, but does not gain weight. Has been like that her whole life.
Lu 10 is sunken in. sallow complexion.
Gets exhausted between between 13:00 and 16:00 in the afternoon – like a balloon that all the air came out of.
migraines mostly on GB meridian but there is overlap on St meridian as well.
I did Lu + twice
the first time she was migraine free for 12 days
the second time she had a couple of headaches rated at a 2-3 out of 10.
When I did SP+ she had a terrible week with an intense migraine rater at a 7 that lasted for two full days.
Bl+ also did not bring any good results. PC + helps but no lasting results
I am asking specifically about LU excess and St excess because she seems to have a contradictory picture but also
seems to be directly involved.
LU: migraines on St meridian 6+, always hungry 8+ loose stools and dry skin 7+
St: migraines when hungry 8+, migraines on St meridian 6+ LU 10 area deflated 6+ low energy in early afternoon
7+ very thirsty 9+
So how do I view migraines that come on when hungry given this picture?

KristinWisgirda: October 19, 2020, 11:43pm
I am not seeing clear evidence for Lung excess. Loose stool can be damp but in her case it looks more like too
much downward movement consistent with St excess and/or bowels moving too fast consistent with heat and
perhaps H excess.
The strong appetite is not Lung excess. Lung excess easily takes in and accumulates resources. She is ravenous
because she is not absorbing and so much is coming out the other end.
Have you considered UB+ for her? She looks so hot and dry.
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Adina_Kletzel: October 20, 2020, 11:22am
I did. Surprisingly it did not bring any significant results at all.
I will keep on trying
Thank-you for clarifying the ST/LU issue
Lu+ brought relief for a week and a half the first time I used it so even thought she had 3 mild migraines the
second time I did LU+ do you think its still worth it to try again? Or do poorer results the second time knock it off
the list of beneficial channels for her?

KristinWisgirda: October 20, 2020, 12:27pm
Sorry I missed that you tried UB+ already. Interesting that it didn t help and Sp+ was clearly not good in a patient
with such dryness.
If you used Lung+ twice in a row, the less helpful second time might have been the result of a weak constitution
not being able to process being pushed the same direction twice in a row. If you have done other channels since the
last Lung +, it may give better results.
I am also curious about her P/Gb balance, especially because of the channel involvement. What does P+ help? I a,
also interested in K/SI since there is heat and dryness and Liv/SJ because she is sallow and hot.