GB and Being Outside / Unconstrained

Daniel: October 31, 2019, 10:08pm
I have had a few patients lately whose symptoms are worse when they are inside small spaces and better when they
are outside or in very large rooms. I can think of ways to interpret that as a number of different things, but in these
cases, together with everything else, I interpreted it as a Deficiency of that outward movement of the Gall Bladder
(so with confinement, it could not function and symptoms worsened but with open space, it could function well
enough to lessen / improve symptoms. I supplemented Gall Bladder and they improved.

Jason: November 5, 2019, 4:26pm
That’s really interesting. I’ll have to look for that sign. I’ve seen a couple of cases which seem to present both PC
and SJ excess. Supplementing SJ can be terrible for them, but +GB feels good. They’re sensitive and open, but
have difficulty responding. There’s a tricky contradiction there between wanting to be unconstrained, while also
needing some shielding. I would be inclined to +GB and +LV if it were not verboten. This is a scenario where I
might use herbs, perhaps wen jing tang, to sub for +LV.