Adina_Kletzel: June 1, 2021, 11:07am
If someone feels a lot of gas bubbles during a St+ treatment would you see that as a negative sign or possibly a
positive sign because it indicates movement?
Or would you just make that determination based on her overall response to the treatment?
She said she was uncomfortable because she was embarrassed to release the gas (I was in the room).
George_Mandler: June 4, 2021, 4:40pm
Oh I tell patients to fart all they want I’ll open the window. It is good that a patient doesn’t feel the discomfort on
the table during the session. A patient’s relaxation so the needles can do their work is so important.
If the patient had a lot of flatulence already maybe the treatment is not good. If the patient was blocked up and
constipated then maybe the flatulence is good. So you cannot say one way or the other, it depends on what your
intention was for the treatment.