Daniel: October 1, 2020, 10:10am
I met with my patient today, whose case I presented to our Advanced Sa’Am group this past weekend – last case of
the weekend. The 72 year old man with the severe post-dental-surgery for implants head pain . . . .
He came to my office and we had quite a chat.
After he left me back in May, he met with two of the top dental and opthalmo-dental neurosurgeons in this half of
Canada. They assured him, his pain was a consequence of the post implant work. He had a lot of imaging done and
was thoroughly assessed. He was told something interesting – that in spite of all of this, there was nothing surgical
or medical that could be done – that at this point, his pain was due to his brain ‘seeing the problem’ and ‘telling’
him the pain was severe and that no amount of surgery or medical procedure could help this – that he needed to
start to look ‘elsewhere’. He dug out books in his home library on neuroplasticity, brain- heart connections, etc –
read them all and followed a procedure from one of the books where basically every day, several times a day, while
focusing on the location of his pain, he recited a phrase something like “It is well”. After three weeks of this, the
pain was essentially GONE!!! and he is doing very well. We had a long talk about the mind, the brain, the heart,
serendipity (there is more to this story), etc.
He went WAY OUTSIDE our Dark Horses and found his own Dark Horse
And it worked!
I guess I won’t be able to try the other suggestions people had!!
cassiopeia: October 1, 2020, 2:51am
what an amazing human being! thanks for following up and sharing.
KristinWisgirda: October 1, 2020, 11:38am
Thank you for sharing this wonderful case.
It leaves me wondering why this intervention worked for him. “All is well” arguably could be considered a H+/K+
We know his headache was better with heat and that his body prefers warmth and heat. While SI+ worked the first
time, it bupkussed the second time.
The conditions for a system to really absorb the message of All is Well have to be right. As a very P excess, he
sought out the experts and internalized their advice. He was also able to really take in the neuroplasticity research.
Add that to the foundation of his religious beliefs and his general drive for engaging life (K excess, LI excess) and
voila! Grace was achieved.12/01/2024, 11:43Final Case from Advanced Sa’Am Weekend – Update – Qiological Community
I wonder if his is a general recipe for grace or people with different strengths can also achieve it. My guess (and
hope) is that the later is true.
michaelmax: October 1, 2020, 6:40pm
He went WAY OUTSIDE our Dark Horses and found his own Dark Horse
Thanks for the follow up @Daniel
Wow, yes that was a serious Dark Horse move and I appreciate @KristinWisgirda’s deconstruction of it.
It shines a light for me, as I have a number of patients who really do have a mantra of “all not being well” In fact, it
is foundation of their identity. Who would they be without that “fight with, mom… the system… the slipped disc…
the diagnosis of xyz?”
I think Kristin is on to something with this being a HT/KD thing. And now want to try a +KD and +HT for people
who are stuck in this kind of identification (of course unless I find contraindicating signs)
Never a dull moment in Saam Land
Daniel: October 2, 2020, 8:57am
‘bupkussed’ – innovative!!
you are so right on Kristin.
There is more to this story and the conversation we had for an hour which revolved very much around two issues
you speak of . . .
the location of ‘mind’ in Chinese Medicine as not in the brain (he brought in a book precisely about locating the
mind in the heart) – so I relayed to him the central sovereign position of the Heart in Chinese Medicine.
Then we got into quite a conversation about grace, providence, timing, resonance – precisely what you point to here
– and how so much had to come together for all of this to work for him
He even asked me if words can amount to an ‘acupuncture treatment’ and if I knew if words combined with
needles could be even more powerful.
One of the books he brought in – about ways to retrain the brain – he recounted how it was actually a terrible book
he had been given many years ago – how it was written by an evangelist (interesting to think about the role of
suggestive healing there!) and how poorly he thought of the book many years ago when he first read it – but how it
provided him with some important strategy at this time – and that got us talking about the very large circles that run
through our lives – here he was having left his ‘Canadian Bible Belt’ evangelical origins for most of his life and12/01/2024, 11:43Final Case from Advanced Sa’Am Weekend – Update – Qiological Community
then returning full circle to some aspect of that here in his 70’s to find what proved to be a pivotal healing strategy.
It was a rich conversation about a rich phase of his life and I was honoured to be part of it (as he said, noone else
he knows would ‘get’ this)
Oh . . . and lets not forget the highly noteworthy and unusual hypo-distance between his large xyphoid process and
his navel (even more noteworthy given his height) – pointing to something very deeply constitutional here about
the Heart-Mind. . . . in combination with a life of repeated head trauma from a very early age (his head smashed
through a car windscreen at age 4) right up to the present (shingles pain on the scalp and now dental pain) and a
particularly intense cerebral nature to his character combined with his own fusion of religion and science – heart
and head.
mariamorris: October 2, 2020, 3:07pm
Thanks for sharing this Daniel!
Did you come to H+/Ki+ for this particular case or are you thinking in general “all is well” attitude can be
supported by H+/Ki+? If it is in general, could you explain more why? (I do see it fits for this particular case)
Who would they be without that “fight with, mom… the system… the slipped disc… the diagnosis of xyz?”
The “all is not well mantra” could also be SJ excess (the person who is in a beautiful mansion but only sees the
crooked painting on the wall) or the need to fight against something could be GBL excess. So I don’t think H+/Ki+
is necessarily the only treatment to allow the feeling “all is well”. I think it is case by case.
KristinWisgirda: October 2, 2020, 8:27pm
Hi Maria,
So nice to see you in class!
H+ and K+ fit this case based on the presentation. (As an aside, I am curious if having teeth removed was drain on
his Kidney system). The health of the shaoyin does provide a foundation and a primal sense of All is Well but I
agree with you that a disorder of any of the other channels obviously creates suffering too. And what is suffering if
not a judgement that All is Not Well?
So H+/K+ is not some magic combo for righting oneself with the universe.
mariamorris:12/01/2024, 11:43Final Case from Advanced Sa’Am Weekend – Update – Qiological Community
I think it is case by case.
I agree. His story is so interesting because the path that worked for him makes so much sense given his general
makeup. It is certainly probable that Daniel’s treatments and presence were a support in helping him find success.
Being provided with even temporary relief was proof that the pain wasn’t permanently fixed.
A patient recently shared that she was anorexic and a compulsive exerciser in her 20s. One night, when she was
housesitting a number of cats, she experienced the impulse for the anorexia and exercising spiral out of her body.
The cats seemed to notice that something unusual was happening but were not alarmed. Cats are so cool! She has
had a healthy relationship to food and exercise since. She wasn’t even working to that end at the time. Grace does
happen, small and large, even when you aren’t looking for it!
Was what Michael recorded on the Google Doc.
Daniel: October 2, 2020, 10:49pm
even when you aren’t looking for it
I’d suggest ‘usually’ . . . ‘most often’.
michaelmax: October 3, 2020, 4:27am
Grace does happen, small and large, even when you aren’t looking for it!
Yes it does. And seems it can be invited but not called.
mariamorris #10October 4, 2020, 3:04am12/01/2024, 11:43Final Case from Advanced Sa’Am Weekend – Update – Qiological Community
So nice to see you at tbe workshop too Kristin! …and to see everyone else and put faces to all the names on the
We’re so priveleged that patients share their lives with us. Life is rich!
mtewksbury: October 5, 2020, 8:05pm
Such an amazing resolution to this case! Thank you for sharing, Daniel. I have had several clients try to work with
the neuroplasticity of the brain when faced with chronic pain with uneven results. I think it takes a particular
person who is able to focus the brain in order to re-wire the pain signals that are being sent. Your client’s Pc excess
very much worked in his favor here.
I was looking over some notes from previous Sa’am classes and I came upon this saying from Toby: “When the
heart is calm, pain is negligible”…this seems to fit well with how your gentleman experienced the heart/mind/brain
michaelmax: October 5, 2020, 8:37pm
I have had several clients try to work with the neuroplasticity of the brain when faced with chronic pain with
uneven results. I think it takes a particular person who is able to focus the brain in order to re-wire the pain
signals that are being sent. Your client’s Pc excess very much worked in his favor here.
That sounds right @mtewksbury. It takes a certain mind set to focus on where the pain is not, and thus build those
neuroconenctions. And it is a process, not a one and done.
I’m ever in awe at our remarkable abilities to heal.
rknause: October 13, 2020, 10:53am
Good morning everyone, I am Rebekah, I was not able to be present at the class on the 25th but just got done
watching the video version and what a great ton of knowledge and experiance in this group.
I just wanted to share a personal experience of how powerful the mantra “I am well” works. very long story short, I
suffered with debilitating pain in my hip off and on for 8 years, saw all the speciialist, lots of acupuncture, and
other modalities, but nothing stuck, my hip pain would go away and I think , this is it! then it would come back.
Till I read “Healing my Back Pain” from Dr John Sarno. and he talked about the mantra. It was the only thing that
ridded me of this terrible on going pain! When the pain came on, I would say to myself, My hip is totally healthy, I
am just worried, angry, or sad” what ever emotion that was consuming me and within 10 to 20 min all the pain was
gone! Powerful shit!12/01/2024, 11:43Final Case from Advanced Sa’Am Weekend – Update – Qiological Community
I believe there are many times we are stuck in the negative mantra and only till we acknowledge that can we truly
Daniel: October 13, 2020, 5:53pm
Ha – John Sarno – a huge personal memory for me . . . . back in the mid to late 80’s . . . my wife of the time had
persistent debilitating back pain – nothing helped at all. We actually drove to New York City and she had an
appointment with Sarno himself! Great man – great books – a real revolutionary in his field. I think he died a year
or two ago.