Excess Signs / Symptoms vs. Counterbalancing Qualities Indications

Daniel: February 11, 2021, 10:10am
Not all that infrequently (certainly a few times a week), I find I face this Sa’Am challenge . . . . . the primary
Sa’Am signs and symptoms for an Excess Determination are weak to even non-existent and YET, when I assess
the whole patient before me, I find I am drawn heavily to supplement the counterbalancing channel because the
primary Qualities supported by that supplementation are, to the best of my perception and understanding,
clearly needed by the patient.
For example, let’s say, there are really no strong primary signs and symptoms to make a San Jiao Excess
determination . . . they are not notably polite, their eyes are not sparkly in anyway, they are not self-critical, their
body is not particularly light, there does not appear to be any notable hyper-focus on external details, there don’t
seem to be any remarkable shielding issues, etc . . . just really nothing there or very little to point to San Jiao
Excess and YET, after a full look at the patient, I feel the thing they would benefit from the MOST is to be cooled
down and moistened a bit (i.e. spend some time in a cool and moist forest). Everything about them just points to
that (in spite of nothing particularly remarkable in the list of San Jiao Excess signs and symptoms)! Is this just a
‘rock level’ indication Liver supplementation is the thing to do in this case or is this legitimately compelling in its
own right on a pearl / gem level?
In other words, can an identified need for the qualities we are supporting by supplementing a channel be
considered legitimate high level status indicators for correct therapeutic action in the same or similar ways the
primary signs and symptoms of the corresponding channel in Excess are?

George_Mandler: February 11, 2021, 3:26pm
So you are postulating that if the channel A is in balance (there are no excess sign) but one is intuiting that channel
B can use some support (is deficient) then a proper corrective action is to supplement channel B? I have certainly
done this.
I find after a number of treatments where patients improve the shades of deficiency/excess become more difficult
to see. Treating a healthy person is more difficult just like the last fine tune truing of a bicycle wheel.
One that I am not sure this fits into what you are saying but I had a KD excess 39yo female who had just returned
for giving workshops on the west coast. She said how scattered she felt. I motioned my hands together asking if
that is what she needed and she said “YES”. I supplemented KD+, 6 months later she mentioned that treatment and
how powerful it was for her.

Adina_Kletzel: February 15, 2021, 9:50pm

09/01/2024, 11:43Excess Signs / Symptoms vs. Counterbalancing Qualities Indications – Qiological Community
I think you bring up a VERY interesting point. I don’t know if one is a rock and the other is a gem but I do often
think in terms of what needs to be added and not necessarily what needs to be counterbalanced. I suppose it
depends on ‘what is the grossest thing in the room?’ Is it more the bright eyes, controlling nature, tendency to be
meticulous…? Or is it more the need for a shield, the cooling, the nourishing blood or the walk in the forest?
Probably whatever is screaming the loudest is where we will put our focus.
In another example – even without being freezing cold or fearful if someone needs the warmth and strengthening of
Ht supplementation then chances are there is cold there somewhere in some form. It can be cold self depreciating
thoughts or trouble feeling love. This is cold that is just harder to see and so we may just sense that they need Heart
warmth but the Bl excess aspect is just not as loud as the need for warmth.