Emotional loss/grief

Mattias: August 8, 2021, 6:39am
Can someone help me how to think about grief from loss in the saam perspective?
In a situation of a divorce or someone that has died!
George_Mandler #2August 8, 2021, 3:48pm
It is important that we keep our Sa’am focus and not get hyperfocused on one symptom. First start with a Sa’am
perspective on how you might treat someone if you didn’t know anything about them. Consider the channels that
you see as excess. The only gem we have in this Sa’am lineage is a lack of resources or loss of money causing knee
weakness (ST excess).
For death/divorce loss we certainly can think about supplementing the LU+. How does that fit in with your
patient’s presentation? Are the thenars flat or not much bounce back? How financially well off are they? How
about their resources in life – community and friends? If they show some ST excess signs (deflated thenars,
financial challenges, lack of community) and it was an acute loss that would suggest that supplementing the LU+
can be a correct treatment.
If there is a lack of self worth, maybe from a divorce I would think about supplementing KD+ if some SI excess
signs fit.
Those are the two main channels I might think about supplementing but others might be appropriate too depending
on the situation. For example they are so locked into themselves, depressed and a lack of any external awareness
that SJ+ is needed. Maybe they are so anxious and so hyperfocused on the external they need LR+. etc.
I hope that helps.

Mattias: August 8, 2021, 5:28pm
Thank you George. This was much helpful, to get my head around This topic.