amyjenner: December 12, 2019, 2:00am
61 yr old male. Thin, medium build. Music teacher. Recently stepped down from a post as the music person at a
school for kids with mental illness. Plays in a band for contra-dancing and teaches music. He wanted to take a
chunk of time this summer to go play some music and it wasn’t going to fit with the program, so he decided to step
away from the job he has held for 8 yrs. Not worried about figuring out money, and is excited about moving into
new chapter of teaching and playing music. He is laid back in his demeanor except the he is always tapping his
thumbs and fingers…tapping out the beat of some music he hears in his head. Soft spoken, quiet voice. He is
married to the same woman for 30ish years, they have 2 musician millennial kids who live at home and play music.
He says that not much will bother him, as he has so many good things in his life. He doesn’t get emotionally
sucked in easily. If he is not doing well, he goes quiet and inward. In a disagreement with his wife, he says he gets
“lawyerly” and lays out a careful argument. He has what he describes as “nervous energy”- he talks a lot, always
drumming his fingers, has tunes in his head, lots of ideas of things to do.
c/c insomnia: wakes in the night with the mind going. Cant get back to sleep. Feels he doesn’t sleep deeply +8
2nd complaint: eczema. Has a dry +8, red+6, scaly patch on his back that is quite large. 6 or so inches wide,
extending from around L2 to T6. Itchy in winter +6. A patch on the back of his rt forearm that is also quite large.
That is the one he worries about because it can be visible in short sleeves.
cold hands and feet +5
cold at night at bed time +5
heats up in the wee hours +5
hard to start +4
leg cramps at night 15 years +8
w/w exercise
w/w low water intake
Varicosities +8
dry all over +6
tight rectus +6
empty bowtie +7
red tip
white coat
distended sublinguals (worse on left)
PC: quiet voice, not easily ruffled or irritated, lawyerly16/01/2024, 11:55Eczema and Insomnia – Qiological Community
GB: red tip tongue, insomnia
SJ: cold hands and feet
LI: dry skin, thin, tight rectus, dry eczema, lots of ideas
Ht: red skin,
BL: urinary hesitancy
Kid: lots of spider veins/ varicosities, itchy skin, leg cramp pain, distended sublinguals
SI: leg cramps w/w exercise
1st treatment: SP+
The eczema on the arm really cleared up a lot. Slight pink and has that leathery look/feel of dormant eczema. Sleep
seemed a little better for a few nights after treatment but didn’t last
2nd treatment: PC+
sleep 4-5 hours and then awake a while before falling back in. leg cramps not bothering
3rd treatment: PC+
sleep about the same, Eczema gone from arm, temp at bed time not so cold,
4th treatment: Liv+
(did liver to try another way of drawing down and in.)
Still waking after 4-5 hours with mind going. sometimes gets up to snack at 4am and then goes back to bed. Arm
skin is looking really good
5th treatment BL+ with the idea that the busy mind is a heat sx as well as the red skin
Sleep is unchanged. Going to try CBD. Arm skin is good, back is about the same. Temp is more stable- not going
to bed fully dressed. still hot in wee hours. reached out to a brother he hadn’t spoken to in several years.
6th treatment SP+ because I think it is a good constitutional for him and nothing else I tried to directly impact sleep
has helped
As I typed this up, I noticed I hadn’t done anything with SI which would be called for with the blood stagnation
and itchiness as well as the cramping. I can’t make a case for how it would help for sleep directly.
Always appreciate thoughts and comments.
KristinWisgirda: December 12, 2019, 4:49pm
Hi Amy,
Thanks as always for sharing your cases. They are a pleasure.
As I was reading the case, I thought you were going to start with SI+ because the indications are so strong.
SI+ is going to resolve blood stasis and early morning heat (in the context of a mixed hot and cold picture) that
might be preventing the spirit from staying settled.16/01/2024, 11:55Eczema and Insomnia – Qiological Community
amyjenner: December 12, 2019, 6:19pm
ok, I couldn’t think of why SI would help the sleep…
the process of writing it up is always helpful
KristinWisgirda: December 13, 2019, 1:31pm
P+ and Liv+ work so well, so often for insomnia.
But like we have seen with anxiety, (almost?) any of the 12 channels can be involved.
Reading cases is so helpful because they remind us of the possibilities and help shake us out of habitual thinking.