Doubling up on Gall Bladder

Daniel: July 18, 2020, 11:36pm
For once, I did not have to make the ‘Sometimes Channel, Sometimes Quality’ choice! Had a patient the other day
with a two week old swelling (convexity) centred on Gall Bladder 41 (channel). Contralateral PC supplementation .
. . she got off the table and said it felt much better. ( I felt much better too – this past week, I seem to be getting
mostly VERY difficult, challenging Sa’Am cases!)

michaelmax: August 10, 2020, 8:43pm
Cool, those librarians are pretty bad ass when you double them up.

cassiopeia: August 16, 2020, 1:25am
Daniel, did her affect/emotional presentation also fit the GB xs, or at least not contradict it?
I had someone react poorly to a PC+ treatment so I’m trying to really understand when it’s appropriate to to use it.