Adina_Kletzel: February 26, 2020, 8:51am
Is there a specific way that Saam views Type 2 diabetes or is it completely based on individual diagnosis?
I am treating a 36 year old male with type 2 diabetes. Palms of hands, feet, mouth, and lips are very dry but has
loose stools. He gets a sugar drop after eating a big meal and when hasnt eaten, or if ate something sweet. He gets
very tired and unstable and cant think straight in a sugar drop.
He is a strong constitution, has battled with anger but through treatment really has it under control. He is very
loving and dedicated to his family – has a wife and 4 kids. He has issues with having some great ideas but doesnt
go out and make them happen. He just seems happy with the way life is. He doesnt have motivation to make
money, he just works for what he needs to get by. BUt he seems to get by…
Ht loves so much +6
Kid strong sexual drive +8, symmetrical +7, fertile +8
SI gives himself away to wife and kids +7
TW attention to outside +8, hot above +7, blood xu +7
Liv night depression +8
LU loose stools +7 dry lips, mouth, and skin +8, doesn’t sweat +8 seems to make money easily +7
GB tendency to get angry, trouble sleeping
LI bones very strong +8. Skinny and dry skin +6 always busy doing things and interested in things +7
He has done great with PC+ St + Liv + SI + kid +
He doesnt get angry much and when he does he is under control, he is more patient, sleeps better, has more energy
But he his mouth, lips, and hands are still very dry and his sugar is still unstable, and he still cant get himself
motivated to get projects started (that doesnt bother him so much though)
Any suggestions?
KristinWisgirda: February 26, 2020, 7:23pm
Hi Adina,
Thanks for this case.
Adina_Kletzel:15/01/2024, 17:08Diabetes and Saam – Qiological Community
Is there a specific way that Saam views Type 2 diabetes or is it completely based on individual diagnosis?
The later. Individual presentation is the foundation of Saam. Disease names have little or no clinical weight.
Listening to Toby talk through hundreds of cases at this point has confirmed this again and again. While the
teaching provides some ways of thinking about particular named diseases, you still look to the patient presentation
to explain the disease rather than the other way around.
Symptoms related to eating can simply be called poor processing. When blood sugar is involved, I wonder if the
system is moving too fast- usually heat- or if it is more gunked up. Does he need to eat frequently to prevent
getting too hungry and having lows?
SI gives himself away to wife and kids +7
How much of this is lack of self consolidation and how much is an expression of Heart excess love for his family?
While loose stool can often be from dampness, at times it is from dryness and lack of absorption. Food and fluids
just run through when the soil of the gi tract is too dry. In these cases Sp+ is used.
hot above +7,
How hot is he? Is he a talker? We already know he has some Heart excess and that he has significant dryness. I’m
wondering about UB+ as a possibility.
Let us know what happens.
Adina_Kletzel: February 26, 2020, 10:07pm
While loose stool can often be from dampness, at times it is from dryness and lack of absorption. Food and
fluids just run through when the soil of the gi tract is too dry. In these cases Sp+ is used.
I have thought of using Sp+ for all of the dryness to treat him but I have a number of concerns.
1. He gets headaches sometimes and describes them as having a big blob of phlegm in his head – a heavy
feeling. So I am concerned to add more damp to his system.
2. He is having so much trouble getting himself to move forward in his goals and Sp+ may only encourage that
lack of movement.15/01/2024, 17:08Diabetes and Saam – Qiological Community
3. Sp + is a bit warming and he really needs to be cooled more than warmed.
But I do agree with you that the loose and damp stools may be because of lack of absorption and that Sp+
may help with that.
Do you think my concerns are valid reasons for staying away from Sp+ or is there another way of looking at
KristinWisgirda: February 27, 2020, 1:54am
Do you think my concerns are valid reasons for staying away from Sp+ or is there another way of looking at it?
You have a better feel for the patient than I could ever gather from a case presentation. Here are a few things to
Dry patient often have pockets of damp that often resolve when fluid circulation is improved by moistening.
I take patient’s descriptions of symptoms with a grain of salt. We have seen on this forum cloudy/foggy heads that
are worse with bright light and treated by Liv+. Does any information about his headaches point clearly to a damp
quality- worse in high humidity, etc? Where do his headaches fall in the big picture.
He is having so much trouble getting himself to move forward in his goals and Sp+ may only encourage that
lack of movement.
You didn’t write down anything under Spleen excess for him. How do the goals fit into his big picture? LI excess
types often have more goals and interests than they ever could accomplish/engage. SJ excess types are also so
outwardly focused that they can see more things to tend to than any human could possible manage. Is he a couch
potato that just can’t get his act together to get basic stuff done?
Sp + is a bit warming and he really needs to be cooled more than warmed.
That’s why I was curious about the appropriateness of UB+.
Adina_Kletzel: February 27, 2020, 10:27pm
How do the goals fit into his big picture?15/01/2024, 17:08Diabetes and Saam – Qiological Community
He has some goals and dreams that he wants to accomplish and see come to fruition but he doesnt work to make
them happen. He just waits for things to come to him. He doesnt push for what he wants. His wife is domineering
and he spends alot of energy trying to keep her happy. There are some elements of SI excess there but it doesnt
seem like Sp excess. He is not a couch potato. He gets up and does things every day but he is not necessarily goal
oriented. He does what comes to him. Where do you think that imbalance lies?
KristinWisgirda: February 27, 2020, 11:20pm
It sounds like better control of his blood sugar is more important than focusing on the goal issue which doesn’t
have a stand out quality to me. Your description does suggest that Spleen excess is not part of his profile, leaving
Sp+ as an option. Better blood sugar control makes everything better.
I forgot to add that supplementing Spleen is only slightly warming. You can add this to your consideration. I had a
very dry hot flash patient who really benefitted from Sp+ ( and UB and Si). It only helped her hot flashes and never
overheated her at all because dryness was the bigger issue.