Deconstructing Saam point combos

naniec: October 19, 2021, 4:10pm
Hi Michael,
I am listening to the recordings of Deconstructing…
Now I’m confused about supplementing PC & partial drain of GB as well as using SJ for brightening away a
memory or draining SJ for poor memory. A couple times in each section Toby said “supplement all 4 points on
same side.” Does he mean literally supplement all 4 points or supplement the channel with the common
supplementing PC 4 point combo?
For example: For supplementing PC & partial drain of GB is the combo (+) Lv 1, P 9, Ki 10 & P 3 and add (-)
GB40, (+) GB44 ?
Or the common supplementing PC 4 point combo and add (-) GB40, (+) GB44 ?
Same question for SJ. He said “supplement all 4 points to brighten away memory” and “drain all 4 points for poor

George_Mandler: October 21, 2021, 11:46am
For example: For supplementing PC & partial drain of GB is the combo (+) Lv 1, P 9, Ki 10 & P 3 and add (-)
GB40, (+) GB44 ?
Or the common supplementing PC 4 point combo and add (-) GB40, (+) GB44 ?
Nanie – I see you are getting crossed up in the ambiguous terms of supplement and drain that is used for a point and
a channel. (I wish there were a. better word for the individual point, tonify, disperse but I do not know Chinese)
When Toby says “all 4 points” he is referring to how we would supplement or drain a channel.
Occasionally if someone clearly needs a GB- drain and the phase of the moon is towards fulll Toby will
supplemented PC+ with a partial drain of GB-. You would supplement the PC+ as always PC9+, R1+,
KD10-,PC3-. Then partially drain GB-: GB40-, GB44+
Same question for SJ. He said “supplement all 4 points to brighten away memory” and “drain all 4 points for
poor memory”.
Yes it is confusing.Toby was stating to Supplement the SJ+ to brighten memory and Drain SJ- for poor memory.
Standard caveat: These are advanced techniques and no one should be doing point deconstruction until using
Sa’am system consistently for at least 1.5-2 years. Toby uses the basic 4 point channel treatments the vast majority
of cases. These techniques should only be used after you have exhausted other basic 4 point treatments on a04/01/2024, 11:54Deconstructing Saam point combos – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
patient. Know your patient before applying these techniques. This is a powerful system that can make patients ill if
applied incorrectly. Make sure you are absolutely confident about using them within this system.

naniec: November 14, 2021, 7:49pm
Thank you George. It took me a while to get back here but I do appreciate your response.