Congenital disorders and StExcess

I have a 30 year old male patient whose left kidney was only partially formed and non-functional and whose right kidney compromised by urinary reflux in utero. Though asymptomatic he will need a transplant as his his kidney function/lab values are slowly declining. He’s very thin, doesn’t easily put on weight, and has a depression in the chest, and easily fatigued if he doesn’t pace his activity. However his thenars are healthy and he is well resourced/supported in his life. His voice can sometimes be a bit loud. BUT because his arms are thin and strong, and his skin and hair are dry, and he has healthy guns/bones and teeth, and can be argumentative and industrious I treated Sp+. And he became very agitated. I switched out the needles to LI+ and he was good. And this is my son! So now I’m kicking myself for not taking St+ but also wondering about the nature of resources and where and if do congenital disorders fit into the playing fields of Saam.
PS: Well about a week after this treatment my son told me his appetite was improving and asked for another treatment. And while I was thinking of trying St+ I simply couldn’t ignore his classic LI+ morphology. And when I was about to insert Ht8 I realized that I had actually drained this point last treatment! After the needles were in he relaxed very deeply and afterwards said it was the best treatment I had ever given him. And since then he has a raging appetite and is feeling a little warmer ( he runs cold).