Class on 9/25 – Can we talk about psychological themes in a Covid time?

empiricalpoint: September 14, 2021, 6:20pm
With all the polarity in society now can we maybe discuss how some of the SAAM archetypes play out on an
emotional level and the presentation beyond Tyson or book-smart?
I have patients who aren’t angry but are strongly opposed to individual mandates. Others are very Confucian in
their viewpoints. While we have broad strokes on psychological presentation, Toby might you care to further
elucidate on how to get under the hood deeper to the words and actions during this noisy time?
I know this is interwoven into the physical and other pieces of observation. But how might a spleen excess express
concerns differently than a heart excess?

George_Mandler: September 15, 2021, 12:08pm
Hi Sharon
I would say for this question we can still view this within the Sa’am framework. Just as with a Sa’am
supplementation treatment can treat any symptom I don’t think we can put certain viewpoints into a certain excess
category. Maybe we can “prick the vote” with a PC+ supplementation for angry insurrectionists, but as you state
viewpoints no matter how skewed they appear to us can fall into different excess channels. I have people against
vaccines that are PC excess, GB excess. But sometimes I am not even treating that as the GTITR is the physical so
working in the earth/metal/taiyin/yangming domain.
So how to get under the hood is just with the same Sa’am observation/sensing/questioning that we use everyday in
clinic no matter how hot or divisive the topic.
But how might a spleen excess express concerns differently than a heart excess?
What does a Spleen excess look like compared to a Heart excess? A Spleen is heavy, dampness. Where Heart is
outward fire.
A Spleen excess would show that heavy/damp body morphology for starters. Perhaps a lack of interest in really
exploring different viewports and being stuck just listening to one talk show while eating sweets. They are not
necessarily being vocal about their beliefs.
A Heart excess would be more vocal about their point of view. Firing off multiple reasons why they believe what
they do but also perhaps doing it from a place of safety or caring for others. They also may show some heat – pulse,
body temp, red color to really put it in that category.04/01/2024, 12:15Class on 9/25 – Can we talk about psychological themes in a Covid time? – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
So no matter the topic/controversy/malinformation we can apply the root teaching of Sa’am diagnosis IMO.

empiricalpoint: September 15, 2021, 1:57pm
Thanks George
I get what you are saying, but as we move further down the road in this system, there are more nuances.
Just like Daniel’s observation of expressions on both poles of a continuum. We also have the influences of the basic
Su Wen correspondences of elements and the 6 levels. They all have bearing and impact.
I’m looking to dive in to further delineate gems vs rocks as we continue to cultivate our sensibility and observation
power. So I just wanted to perhaps spur a deeper dialogue just like we have done with eyes and morphology.
Thank you

empiricalpoint: September 15, 2021, 2:10pm
Or maybe this could be one of those hour long clinical skills topics that Michael and Toby host?