Can I needle LV+ on L?

cassiopeia: September 9, 2020, 2:13am
I saw an 83yo woman today who responded really well to L LU+. All her symptoms are on the right and today she
clearly presented with ST excess since catching a cold after sitting under a fan.
One of her right-sided symptoms is 20+ year history of what she calls gallbladder pain. It can happen a few days
per week, and is a localized sharp pain below the ribs on the R. Besides ST excess, what stands out is SJ excess.
Giving her LV+ is high on my list, but I wonder which side to treat?
Typically LV+ is done on the right, and she definitely has a constitutional need for it. But if her chief complaint is
on the R side liver channel, should I needle LV+ on L?

KristinWisgirda: September 9, 2020, 2:34pm
if her chief complaint is on the R side liver channel, should I needle LV+ on L?
Toby s guidelines for choosing the side for treatment, in order of importance:
1. Contralateral to the complaint
2. If complaint doesn t have a side, use Liver+ on right and Lung+ on the left
3. If none of the above, then go to gender, right for ladies, left for gents.
Since her complaint is right sided, you can use Liver+ on the left. I just wonder how much the St+ treatment will
impact that particular symptom. I ve had so
many cases of chronic right sided ribside or abdominal pain disappear with St+. It has helped that these patients
were clearly Lung excess.

cassiopeia: September 9, 2020, 3:01pm
Thanks, Kristin.
My patient is actually ST excess, I treated L LU+. But I m sure the same principles apply. Her Lv/GB area was
clearly improved with the LU+ treatment. I am just thinking ahead to treating her constitution AND addressing the23/01/2024, 11:40Can I needle LV+ on L? – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
longstanding R ribside pain. Sounds like if the pain is still there, I ll do L LV+. If no more pain, R LV+
I appreciate your quick and clear input, as always!