Bright eyes vs dull eyes

erin: November 16, 2022, 6:09pm
Hello! I sometimes get confused with the ‘bright eyes vs dull eyes’ and treating how the patient is presenting vs
what the body is craving. An example would be a patient who is depressed, feeling sluggish, doesn’t have bright
eyes, but also has light sensitivity, and craves being along and with a heavy blanket wrapped around them. If I go
based on the physical symptoms, I am tempted to treat SJ+ but if I listen to what the body is craving, and trying to
create for itself, I would treat Liv+. Do we always want to increase the opposite of what is being presented, or do
we sometimes want to give the body what it is asking for? I hope this question makes sense!

Daniel: November 16, 2022, 11:31pm
Some thoughts . . . . Some of these signs have greater weight than others and some of them can be many different
things. Eye brightness / dullness has a lot of weight in the Liver/SanJiao discernment, but it is also requires a high
level of skill to be good at and can be easy to get wrong. Light sensitivity carries a lot of weight here, but evaluate
how severe it is . . do they wear sunglasses even in dim light for example? Also, don’t forget, this is part of the
overall inward/outward focus in general . . . so weight it alongside how much external appearances are important to
them versus oblivousness to external appearances . . . and stimuli in general. Being alone and blanket wrapping are
not great signs for discerning Liver/SanJiao on their own as they can be signs of so many other channel pair
expressions (Heart/Bladder, Kidney/Small Intestine, and others). Also, for the Liver/SanJiao pair, consider overall
if the person is light or dense morphologically speaking.

erin: November 17, 2022, 3:30am
thanks @Daniel those are great thoughts to ponder. I wonder, if they have HA’s that are brought on by poor
lighting, would that be enough to put one mark in the SJ excess category?

Daniel: November 17, 2022, 11:45pm
Hi Erin . . . I would not say so. It is very important to stick to the hallmark signs Toby covers in his introductory
and mid-level teachings of this system and those signs exclusively. They are the tell-tale signs for each Excess
pattern. Anything else is wandering into territory full of possibilities . . . headaches brought on in poor lighting
could be just about anything . . . . for example, I can imagine it possibly being part of GB XS, PC XS, SP XS, ST
XS, KI XS, UB XS and more!!

George_Mandler: November 18, 2022, 10:40am
thanks @Daniel those are great thoughts to ponder. I wonder, if they have HA’s that are brought on by poor
lighting, would that be enough to put one mark in the SJ excess category?
HA’s brought on by bright light could be SJ excess.
HA’s brought on by poor light could be LR excess.