Adina_Kletzel: September 10, 2020, 9:06pm
I would love some feedback on the following case:
45 year old woman
thin, symmetrical, sporty,
sports teacher and movement therapist (still is school for that)
works and goes to school
married with 3 children
MC: migraines behind right eye and on top of head on the day before her period and first two days of her period
feels like someone put weight on head and is banging head against wall
migraines also come before/during ovulation
can also come if she is very stressed or dont sleep enough or going through a big change
migraines started in high school when stress in school increased
still had migraines throughout her pregnancies
Symptoms with migraines:
very sensitive to light and noise
vomiting if it gets really bad
has lots of dreams at night when have migraine
dry mouth and thirsty
hot inside body
stiff and painful shoulders, neck, and occiput region (GB 20 very painful when pressed)
rest, dark, and quiet help the migraines a bit
wants cold on head during migraine
are very light, lasts for 2 days without much blood
cramping pain with period – hot water bottle helps
gets bloated and some cramping and a migraine
She is a high strung person – very worried and stressed about everything
trouble letting go and relaxing
very bad with transitions
struggles with self-confidence
criticizes self
does not get angry easily
is more sensitive
tendency toward constipation12/01/2024, 11:47Behind right eye and top of head migraines – Qiological Community
goes every other day and hard to get it out
stool not dry
easier to pass stool when have period
if dont eat for many hours feel weak and dizzy
Peeled coating in front of tongue and back of tongue
Pale/ purply
Red dots on top
A bit dry in the middle
medial heel – has flesh, not dry or cracked
Lu 10 area – not puffed out and not sunken in
eyes – not too bright and not dull
visible Puffiness by CV 12 area
Sink into lower abdomen
Softer abdomen, not tight
No tension in abdomen
Saam chart
Ht hot with migraine 8+ hot in general 6+ tightness and pain on Bl meridian on neck 7+
Bl tightness and pain on Bl meridian on neck 7+
GB pain on temples (GB) 7+ pain on GB 20 8+ lots of dreams with migraine 7+
PC pain on temples (GB) 7+ pain on GB 20 8+
LU nauseous/vomiting with migraines 9+ not concerned about money 7+
kid symmetrical 8+ fertile 7+ pain 9+ cramping period pain 7+
SI issues with self-confidence 7+ petrified of migraines 8+
SJ self-critical 8+ sensitive to light with migraine 9+ overly focused on details 8+ migraines behind right eye 8+
migraines on top of head *+
Liv migraines behind right eye 8+ migraines on top of head *+
LI always busy 8+ always focused on what she has to get done 8+ thin, constipated, and dry mouth 8+
Treatments I did so far:
1. Had a migraine
Liv + (L)
Pain initially got better. Then it shifted over to one eye and stayed there for the rest of the day.
2. Had a migraine
Liv+ and PC + (L)
Had Less pressure on top of head. But Still had squeezing of eyes which was a very difficult pain that lasted
all day. Pain passed that night
3. no migraine
SI +
had 2 headaches that week12/01/2024, 11:47Behind right eye and top of head migraines – Qiological Community
4. No migraine
Liv +
major migraine at end of week (before period)
5. had leftover pain from major migraine.
Liv + (L)
Pain slowly started to pass and went away.
But said after felt dry, thirsty, constipated, feel food stuck in throat, nauseous and a little down,
6. Kid + felt calmer, nausea went away, better appetite, no headaches (but also not ovulation or period time)
7. Had migraine
SI +(L) Headache did not go away until the next morning.
8. no migraine
PC +
fell asleep during treatment. did not see her yet. will know next week how it went.
So I feel that I still have some good options to try
such as SP+ , maybe Bl+, maybe St + (but worried about constipation)
BUT – I dont understand why LIv+ did not work better. It helped some but I thought it should have helped ALOT.
The migraine is behind the eye and on top of the head – which in my understanding is the LIV meridian right? But
it did not take away the migraine.
And neither did SI + which I also thought would REALLY help – given the stagnation before ovulation and period
and how symmetrical she is.
I would love to get some feedback on what I have done so far and where others would put the emphasis from here
KristinWisgirda: September 10, 2020, 6:41pm
Thanks, as always, for taking the time to share your case. More cases the better for all of us to learn.
I dont understand why LIv+ did not work better. It helped some but I thought it should have helped ALOT.
Yes on paper Liv+ looks like a perfect fit. BUT, treating it twice in a row it didn t really make a big difference
while she was having headaches or with the recurrence of her headaches. Patient response tells us the truth about
the patient so has the highest clinical weight. Toby has said that he gives a treatment 1 try and then moves on.
You should have looked elsewhere when Liv+ didn t do much the first time.
SP+ looks like a promising next step, given that SI+ didn t work either.
Please let us know what happens.
2 Likes12/01/2024, 11:47Behind right eye and top of head migraines – Qiological Community
Adina_Kletzel: October 7, 2020, 8:29pm
THis patient is coming to see me post Covid. She still has no sense of taste and smell, is tired, stomach is bloated,
and has somewhat of a runny nose.
HEr neck and shoulders feel tight but not so bad and her mouth is dry.
When presenting the case at the Advanced case seminar the top ideas were Bl + , Sp + , and possibly Kid +
My question is: Are there restrictions supplementing damp post Covid? From what I understand the virus has a
cold and damp nature to it. So do I need to stay away from Bl +and SP + until all her symptoms go away?
Also – would Kid + be prohibited since I wouldn t want to consolidate any remnants of the virus?
Also – are the loss of taste and smell damp signs?
KristinWisgirda: October 7, 2020, 9:47pm
Hi Adina,
Here is a thread on post Covid cases.
Post COVID Syndrome
Thank you for sharing this case! What was your treatment strategy with Treatment 3? From the points I see you
are helping the digestion, improving fluids and moving circulaton. Advanced jazz playing with Sa am as
George says:) I have a few post covid patients as well and I see a deep fluid deficiency that leads to the patient
having a lot of dryness and a couple patients who have heart palpitations post covid. The bladder treatment has
been very helpful on these patients as well.
The general answer to your questions is to treat what you see. There can be quite a mix of damp and dry to puzzle
Are there restrictions supplementing damp post Covid?
We aren t treating Covid, we are treating patients with a wide variety of presentations. [quote= Adina_Kletzel,
post:3, topic:1276 ]
Also – would Kid + be prohibited since I wouldn t want to consolidate any remnants of the virus?
I would stay away from Kidney at first because in Sa am you generally want to clean up other things first.
However, it could be used if she is really falling apart. [quote= Adina_Kletzel, post:3, topic:1276 ]
are the loss of taste and smell damp signs?
[/quote]12/01/2024, 11:47Behind right eye and top of head migraines – Qiological Community
Thank you for letting us know what happens with this case!