jpark: January 7, 2022, 6:58pm
The association of channels and organs with back shu points and specific levels of the spine is very helpful,
especially since low back pain is such a commonly encountered complaint in clinic.
For some vertebrae the association is obvious – L2 / BL23 / Shen Shu will correspond to the KD / SI. But what
about some of the less obvious ones?
For example, L3 / BL24 / Qi Hai Shu. Is there a specific channel or organ we can associate with the “Qi Hai”?
( I often think of the upper jiao, the area around REN17 or the Lung organ network when thinking of the “sea of
qi” – but the anatomical level of these points and their proximity to L2 make me wonder if this should just be
grouped with BL23 and also associated with the KD / SI pairing. )
The other shu point that comes to mind is BL17 / Ge Shu. Because this is an influential point of the Blood I would
probably think about either supplementing SI (to move blood) or LV (to nourish blood).
Tobydaly1: January 7, 2022, 7:59pm
Great question. Unfortunately aside from the organs associated with their respective back shu points, there are no
other associations for non-organ shu points. Supplementing the Ht or UB (as appropriate) to address the entire
channel is one strategy to deal with non-organ shu points. Another is to use organ associated shu points with close
proximity to non-organ shu points. For example, supplementing the SI/Kid or LI/Sp (as appropriate) to address
pathology at L3. I’ve found this to be clinically effective.
jpark: January 7, 2022, 9:13pm
Thank you so much, Toby! That’s very helpful.
And thank you so much for sharing this system with all of us. I took your Introduction course last month and have
been working (almost) exclusively with Saam since then – my patients and I have been amazed at the results, and I
think this will be my main acupuncture style moving forward. Much gratitude to you, to @KristinWisgirda,
Doam Sunim (and to @Michael_Max for hosting this forum!)