Adina_Kletzel: December 22, 2020, 8:02pm
I was wondering what others thought of this medial heel.
There are obviously a lot of purple varicose veins, it is flat and dry, and there is a big indentation/crack in the lower
part of the heel.
It would seem like this person would need Kid + but the varicose veins may tell us otherwise.
Without describing the case yet I was wondering how others would analyze this heel.!
M medial heel 2|666×500
George_Mandler: December 23, 2020, 4:29am
It is not possible to definitively give any diagnosis based on the heel without more context IMO. If it is an 18 year
old vs a 75 year old the interpretation would be different.
What I see is some dryness and a fair amount of varicosities. Looks like there may be some swelling around KD6
and down to KD2. Not sure what to make of the crease.
KristinWisgirda: December 23, 2020, 6:52pm
10/01/2024, 13:12Analysis of medial heel – Qiological Community
Like George, I am noticing what looks like swelling between k6-k2. This swelling is a finding on the Kidney
channel so can be added to the rest of the evaluation. The deep indentation looks like a line of demarcation
between the heel and the swollen area. Is the heel really flat or just flatter than the swollen area? Hard to know
from the picture.
It is common to have both K excess and SI excess signs around the medial heel.
cassiopeia: December 24, 2020, 6:37pm
while on the subject of medial heels, I have another point of clarification: What exact area of the medial heel are
we looking at? I mainly think of it as the KD4 area, but is that correct?
On some people I see dryness in the glabrous skin of the sole that wraps around the medial heel, but the area
around KD4 seems normal or even moist.
Also, sometimes the glabrous area is plump, whereas the KD4 area is average or flat.
Should the glabrous/sole area be included in our medial heel observation?
thank you~10/01/2024, 13:12Analysis of medial heel – Qiological Community
Adina_Kletzel #5December 24, 2020, 7:04pm
It is a 45 year old woman with migraines. I have written about her before I just thought the medial heel would be
I will recap and then I would love to hear if anyone has anything to add about the heel.
SHe is married with 6 kids.
Migraines started 18 years ago during a period of financial duress.
They are w/w heat, empty stomach, stress, exhaustion
They can last from 12 hours to 48 hours a couple of times a week.
She is always hot, dry skin, thirsty
Loose stools 4-5
SJ controlling +8 polite 5+
GB gets angry +7 pain on GB meridian +8
Kid fertile +8 symmetrical +8 concerned about self +7 Pain+9 varicose veins +8
LI skinny +8, dry skin +9, thirsty +9
Ht hot +9
Bl fear of migraines +8
Lu loose stools and dry skin +8
St hearty appetite +8 migraines started due to financial concerns 7+
SI medial heel flat and dry 7+ ?small sunken face 5+
Would you give more weight to the flat and dry part of the medial heel or to all of the varicose veins?
KristinWisgirda #6December 27, 2020, 9:48pm
Would you give more weight to the flat and dry part of the medial heel or to all of the varicose veins?
I wouldn t give one more weight than the other. Instead it seems better to consider them in context of her overall
presentation and relevance to her chief complaint. The Kidney excess signs outnumber the SI excess signs in your
KristinWisgirda: December 27, 2020, 10:03pm
The heel is the back part of the foot below the ankle.
Toby has clearly stated that the medial heel does not include K3 but then in a recent conversation he stated: My
teacher really emphasized the heel but something significant at K3 is close enough to be considered. 10/01/2024, 13:12Analysis of medial heel – Qiological Community
My notes aren t more explicit about the location of the proximal border of the area we are considering. I think of it
as distal/inferior to a line drawn from K4-6, definitely including the medial aspect of the sole on the medial plane
of the foot, including the glabrous skin there. I have seen lots of mixed presentations here but always put less
weight on the moisture level in a patient who obviously pampers his/her feet. Good moisturizer and exfoliation
can t counteract flatness, witheredness, and deep grooves in the flesh.