Adina_Kletzel: October 7, 2019, 6:18pm
Male age 21
Chief complaint: acne on the face, shoulders and arms for 6 years
red, raised pimples. skin full of blackheads and unsmooth skin.
face: Gb and St meridians.
w/w sweating
b/w washing face often, drinking more water
second complaint: anaphalactic allergic reaction to eating nuts
started at age 3
Appearance and demeanor: skinny +8, small boned +7, pale +9, friendly with his friends +8
quiet with people he does not know +8, a perfectionist at work +8, doesnt like crowds +8
bright eyes +5
Lifestyle: works at a full time intense, pressurized job. Leaves early and comes home late. PUshes himself to excel
+8. Spends time with friends and family on the weekends. Has a large group of old time buddies who he is very
close with.
body morpholgy: lean frame +8 more deficient appearance +7. skin on face oily +8 constant sweating from hands
and feet +8
body temp: hot +7
GI: gets very tired after big meals and must sleep +9 low appetite until early afternoon +8 gets stomachaches
around once a week. thirsty for cold water
respiratory: suffered from asthma as a child. wheezing with colds. gets dry coughs every couple of months.
Sleep: likes to sleep +8. does not get enough sleep during the work week. drinks alot of coffee to stay awake at
Emotions: happy +7. gets quiet and uncommunicative when under alot of stress +9 hard time seeing the other side
in an argument +8 passive aggressive in an argument +8
pulse: wiry, surface, strong, fast
Heart: warm. friendly +4
GB: passive aggressive in an argument +8
P: argues intellectually +7
ST: dry on inside, damp on outside +9
THe Grossest thing in the room? dry on inside damp on outside
Main treatment ideas: LU + , LIv + PC +
Treatment 1 &2 : Lu +
no change in any symptoms
Treatments 3 &4: liv +
no change in any symptoms
I could use some new insight and suggestions since LU and LIv very surprisingly did not bring any results. I can
still try PC but I am curious to understand why LU and LIv would not bring any results.
Thanks!24/01/2024, 12:17Acne and allergies – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
Ryan_Gallagher: October 7, 2019, 6:45pm
It makes sense to me that you re seeing him as a Stomach and San Jiao excess. Since dampness can be stubborn, I
wouldn t expect miracles after one session. I d continue with LU supplementation, in particular. (I m also
wondering about the SI/KD axis, since there s a temperature component runs hot, thirst for cold drinks. Does he
get dizzy? Does he have symmetrical bone structure? A cracked tongue? What s the medial heel like? I m
wondering if SI supplementation might help with acne by regulating fire/water and moving the stagnation )
KristinWisgirda: October 7, 2019, 11:58pm
(I m also wondering about the SI/KD axis, since there s a temperature component runs hot, thirst for cold
drinks. Does he get dizzy? Does he have symmetrical bone structure? A cracked tongue? What s the medial
heel like? I m wondering if SI supplementation might help with acne by regulating fire/water and moving the
stagnation )
@Ryan_Gallagher My typing fingers thank you! To Ryan s list I will ask
Are there are any signs of blood stasis-broken vessels, purple scarring?
Is he a snazzy dresser or any other signs of really being into himself?
GB: passive aggressive in an argument +8
P: argues intellectually +7
To this pair, you can add acne on the Gb channel. To the GB excess you can add raised pimples.
The P/Gb duo seem closely matched on paper. Are there any other clues that he might be heavier on the Gb excess
side in how you experience him.
To Lung/St excess you can add acne on the Stomach channel.
It would be good to go through all of the involved channels to identify excesses.
What about the low appetite in am (??), very tired after big meals (??). These are problems consistent with damp
interiors having a problem taking more in. Could be possible Spleen excess or Lung excess but more Spleen excess
because of the very greasy skin. Even though he is skinny, what does his belly look and feel like- any signs of
stagnation/congestion. You might need to consider LI+. Even with out signs of internal dampness, the strong
external damp signs of oily skin 8+ and constant sweating 8+, are signs that he will benefit from double dry LI.
By contrast, classic Stomach excess has a hearty appetite, because resources flow in and out easily.
adambroder: November 21, 2019, 8:14pm
24/01/2024, 12:17Acne and allergies – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
By contrast, classic Stomach excess has a hearty appetite, because resources flow in and out easily.
Would this also apply to LI excess? In other words, is a big appetite indicative of internal dryness or is it something
that is more specific to ST excess?
KristinWisgirda: November 22, 2019, 1:08am
Spleen excess craves sweets.
There is no food appetite quality assigned to LI excess. LI excesses instead have an appetite for projects and
getting stuff done.
I have noticed that when I supplement Sp for LI excess and then recommend a little honey water after, many of
them widen their eyes and say I never eat sweet things, not even fruit. Not across the board but any means, but
interesting how many of them have remarked this way.