A Question from the Last Webinar

michaelmax: April 8, 2019, 5:14pm
32 yo woman with De Quervain’s tenosynovitis (Lung channel on wrist) on the right for 1 year.
Underweight, soft moist skin, soft body, pale, very cold. Poor appetite but denies discomfort when she eats.
Financially ok but not a fat banker.
Exhausted; works nights. Recurrent nosebleeds since childhood. She is now 14 weeks pregnant. Supplementing
Liver and Heart have been helpful. I am wondering about supplementing Lung for her. What is holding me back is
her chronically poor appetite.

KristinWisgirda: April 8, 2019, 6:25pm
This my case. Michael asked me to explain my concern about supplementing the Lung with her poor appetite.
Overall she is so deficient and pregnant and has history of recurrent miscarriages, I want to be 100% sure make the
power of Sa’am is used appropriately. My consideration of Lung for the De Quervain’s arose when she was having
strong pregnancy nausea, so I held back and treated her with other methods for the nausea.
Since supplementing Stomach can increase a poor appetite, I wanted to be sure that supplementing the Stomach’s
counterbalancer wouldn’t have any negative effects on the appetite. Remembering that supplementing one
channel/organ unit isn’t weakening its counterbalancing channel/organ, I suspect it should be ok.
Any feedback on that concern or any other aspect of this case is appreciated.

Tobydaly1: April 8, 2019, 8:41pm
Supplementing Lu is the quickest way to supplement Qi using the Saam system. So, I think supplementing Lu is
very reasonable here. It shouldn’t lower the appetite too much, but if it does dramatically lower it then you can be
confident in supplementing the St in a future appointment.

KristinWisgirda: April 8, 2019, 9:21pm
Thanks Toby. Your input helps.26/01/2024, 12:45A Question from the Last Webinar – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community

michaelmax: April 9, 2019, 12:27am
Supplementing Lu is the quickest way to supplement Qi using the Saam system
good to know and it makes sense even from a TCM point of view

George_Mandler: April 10, 2019, 11:08pm
Since supplementing Stomach can increase a poor appetite,
Help me out here as I am confused by the above. If someone has a poor appetite (and fits other characteristics) and
we want to increase appetite we would supplement Stomach? If they are always hungry consider supplementing

michaelmax: April 10, 2019, 11:16pm
If they are always hungry consider supplementing Lung?
So long as they showed other signs of ST excess LU weakness.

michaelmax: April 14, 2019, 1:14am
If they are always hungry consider supplementing Lung?
I’m not sure it is that simple.
yes… lung is the counterbalance of the stomach and tonifying stomach can help appetite. But I’ve found there are
various reasons that people have “hunger”26/01/2024, 12:45A Question from the Last Webinar – Sa’am Clinical Questions – Qiological Community
What are they “hungry” for?
Any particular flavors or tastes they crave?
It is emotionally based?
What other constitutional aspects are you noticing?
Simply having “hungry” is usually not enough. What is the “background” against which they are having the