Daniel: January 25, 2021, 6:00pm
New 27 year old male patient in today.
coming for upper trapezius pain
he’s small, thin, pale and ponderous
On intake, it became clear that he LOVES a good discussion
they have intense discussions at work all the time
yesterday, it was an hour on if ‘crispy’ is ‘crunchy, but just thinner’.
he LOVES chess games, plays all the time
so, I am thinking PC XS all the way
but then I asked him about sports . . .
he LOVES boxing.
I’m thinking, ‘what the heck?’ . . .
Mike Tyson who loves chess and deep discussions???
so I ask him about competing.
turns out he has never competed
he LOVES boxing s-t-r-a-t-e-g-y !!!
its not about the fighting per se
its about the strategy
he literally STUDIES classic boxing matches
imagine that??
A PC XS boxer?!?!?
KristinWisgirda: January 25, 2021, 11:11pm
If he actually gets in the ring and throws punches, then he has a good store of GB resources. Even if he is a strategy
man and just stays on the sidelines, boxing is still about using your body as a weapon=GB. Maybe he is well
balanced in P and GB in a peculiar way.
Daniel: January 27, 2021, 11:10am
09/01/2024, 12:11A Pericardium Excess Boxer! – Qiological Community
That’s a very interesting idea – that a boxer who boxes AND is really into strategic analysis of it all may actually be
PC-GB balanced!! In this case, he is just clearly SO nerdy – and I don’t think he really boxes – he goes to the club
and uses the gym to work out and train but at least on our initial intake, he is overwhelmingly interested in and
preoccupied with strategy watches famous matches for their strategy in the same way chess geeks analyse famous
matches ( he LOVES chess). We’ll see how the case evolves. I did do a GB+ treatment on his first session by the
way. (and I still palpate a little – palpating his spine, T4 stood out as very very knotted and painful on palpation
interestingly). He is very thin and pale. So I am also wondering about Lu+ or Sp+ .
michaelmax: January 27, 2021, 11:35am
Ha ha ha… Love it when our mental maps remind us that they are…well… maps.
So yes, he is a PC excess and I’m curious to heat what the +GB treatment does for him. Maybe he’ll get in the ring.
Boxing as exercise is not the same as using your aggression to solve a problem. But if ever does get in the ring I
suspect his high PC, coupled with his physical skill would be a potent combination.
I think about the character Russell Crowe plays in the movie Gladiator. Which is high in both GB and PC. When
intelligence can also wield the fist, that is a powerful combination!
Isn’t Saam fun?