Daniel: June 18, 2020, 1:54am
In the same week, I have had two intense clinical reminders to Execute Sa’Am with care! And BOTH cases
involved Small Intestine Supplementation gone way off the rails!!
Case 1. A 67 year old woman with severe right SacroIliac Joint pain and right low back pain in general ever since a
May, 2019 Right hip replacement. She’d also had a right knee meniscus repair, an experience with a Baker’s Cyst
in the Right popliteal fossa that had become very painful and eventually ‘blew open’. Last October, she had a
stomach ulcer that, she said ‘blew apart’, requiring urgent and very complex substernal repair and hospitalisation
for a month, during which time they discovered she had a hematoma on her Liver. The left side of her face is all
droopy (lips, eye, cheek) and has been for 20 years since she had an acoustic neuroma removed from the back of
her head. She is extremely hot, walks around in bare feet all winter. She is quite loud and has a very outgoing
personality. When she gets really hot, she gets itchy and has a ravenous appetite. So, of course, on intake, my
fingers were just itchy to get started – to supplement UB to cool her down and with all that low back and posterior
leg pain – it was a channel and quality combo. I was also pretty keen to try Kidney supplementation for this
intensely asymmetrical face of hers. But the pain was so bad, so severe and so longstanding, I decided the first
session would be a Small Intestine supplementation. She returned a week later, reporting an excellent week – best
in many months except for ‘last night’ when her pain returned with a vengeance. So I naturally thought, SI+ was
just the ticket, we just needed to do it again. So I did. She returned a week later complaining of the worst week
ever, an entire 7 days of blistering pain! She’d been to her doctor who could not figure out what was going on (I
thought to myself , ‘I know what happened . .combining that with her asymmetrical face that was staring me in the
face, I’d obviously sent her body in the wrong direction! and Ki+ was very much what she needed. So I went for it.
She fell into a deep sleep and for a while, I could actually see her left eye, left cheek and left lip straightening
up!!!l She got off the table, delighting in the full disappearance of pain. A week later, she returned reporting the
best week she had had in almost a year.
Case 2. Today, a 92 year old man showed up in my clinic. 92!! And on no medications at all, and his second wife –
76 years old. He’d been having quite bad low back pain on the right – involving PSIS and hip – for two months. We
had quite a chat. He had a tremendous sense of humour. He even had all his original teeth! He’d led quite an
industrious life – as an investments – finance guy, loves to dance, plays three instruments, is happily married, loves
comedy, is very lucid and sharp. The only obvious pattern I could tease out of him was that after 35 weeks of
radiation for a prostate issue, he had developed constipation – dry stools every other day and a dry mouth – not
uncommon radiation side effects. Combined with his very active lifestyle, my itchy finger was aiming for a Spleen
supplementation (pain was even at the UB 25 level). And being 92, I also thought a Kidney supplementation would
just be a good idea. But when I saw him get on the treatment table and really wince in severe pain, I went for SI +.
He got off the table and noticed he felt quite a bit better. So I thought, yes! I did the right thing. 90 minutes later,
his wife called me – he had deteriorated badly, his whole left side had given out, his speech had grown weak. She
gave him a tennis ball and he couldnt even grip it. Having just come off case 1 above, I thought ‘dam! SI+ sent this
92 year old gent in the wrong direction badly!!. Luckily I had two hours till the next patient. At age 92, I was
nervous and wanted to see him right away. So I drove right to their house. First thing to do was rule out a stroke. I
ruled that out clearly. So with their permission, I inserted a Ki+ treatment. Within minutes, his voice strengthened
and when given a tennis ball, he gripped it so hard, I could not get it away from him. After a 20 minute treatment,29/01/2024, 12:08Two Stark Reminders – Sa’Am with Care! – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community
we got him up and he was fine. I asked him to shake my hand and his grip was fully restored! Having a treatment
of a 92 year old go off the rails like that is quite the humbling lesson.
Two great demonstrations of the power of Sa’Am for good and bad – and how severe pain may be calling you to do
SI+ but if there is very good reason to do Ki+ (strong asymmetry or high age), do THAT!!!
Stroke Patients and SI
Paradoxical Reaction
mgreenberg: June 18, 2020, 2:49am
Wow Daniel! Those are both pretty incredible treatments (and people!). Thank you so much for sharing your
experiences. Very good reminders to all of us to be careful.
sweiz: June 18, 2020, 10:03am
Hi Daniel,
I love these cases. There is so much in them about the decision making process and the power of Saam. Thank you
KristinWisgirda: June 18, 2020, 12:33pm
Clinic …Is … Hard!
Saam is powerful!
I just love, love, love cases. Thanks for sharing these great ones. It is interesting that Case 1 had body parts that
“blew apart”. At just 67 she sounds like she is falling apart.
My takeaway is that when both members of a counterbalancing pair have such well matched excesses, it is safer to
treat elsewhere first. So many experiences of SI+ being effective for pain can make it such an enticing option. But
when significant SI excess is at hand, it can only be used with great caution.
Since Toby’s recommendation is not to use K+ as a first treatment, in such cases it is better to avoid the SI/K pair.
Supplementing other areas will also give the system more stability so that the next right step might be more
obvious at the next visit and better integrated.
I’m writing this out to remind myself as much as remind the community.
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Daniel: June 18, 2020, 1:26pm
Marleen – it was a lot to share and I almost didn’t – too much going on – but I felt I really needed to share that (and
those are ‘brief’ versions of all that was going on in both cases! Sharon – I know! the DECISION-MAKING
process!! Lately, I am getting these cases that really push that right to the edge – even moments before inserting the
needles, I am weighing this and that – Sa’Am really takes clinical decision-making and ramps it WAY UP I find –
and it’s a very good thing in my experience – it makes the whole engagement so alive. Kristin – oh funny, for some
reason I missed the ‘never supplement Kidney on first visit’ advice! Is there a particular rationale for that or is it an
‘idiosyncratic gem’? I hear you about when both ends of a pair are strongly presenting, to go elsewhere . . .
sometimes I seem to get cases where all pairs in the room are all presenting strongly! clinic is hard. LOL. Yes, her
‘blowing apart’ (those were her words for both the stomach ulcer AND the Baker’s cyst) . . . I’ve interpreted that as
either or both (a) needing the consolidation of a Ki+ treatment . . . (b) needing the cooling of a UB+ treatment
(which is the treatment she got yesterday).
I am getting such rich cases lately, its intense – even the accounts above are only a piece of the picture – what seems
to transpire in just a few minutes in my clinic lately – from the patient walking in the door, to us engaging and me
making all these connections – its like a ZIP file! 4 Minutes might have passed and to unpack it all to communicate
here is daunting as it would take pages of writing. Such Intensity.
KristinWisgirda: June 18, 2020, 1:56pm
oh funny, for some reason I missed the ‘never supplement Kidney on first visit’ advice! Is there a particular
rationale for that or is it an ‘idiosyncratic gem’?
I’m not sure if this teaching has “gem” status. That is reserved for direct transmissions from Doam. Toby says that
before treating K+ he likes to clean up other pieces first so rarely, if ever, has he used K + as a first treatment.
This makes sense to me. The way that I have digested this goes like this: K is sooo consolidating. Just like we don’t
want to consolidate phlegm, we also don’t want to consolidate situations that are more chaotic, ie the situations that
most patients present to us on day 1.
Such Intensity.
Oh yeah! Since practicing Saam, so many moments of a clinical encounter have such a luminous intensity around
them. They glow! In the past, I would overlook so many details eager to get onto “the important information”.
I am also better able to take diagnostic interest in patient qualities that previously would have just annoyed me. For
instance the endless self involved droner who doesn’t even seem to hear your questions but loves your attention:29/01/2024, 12:08Two Stark Reminders – Sa’Am with Care! – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community
Kidney and Liver excess.
Daniel: June 18, 2020, 2:31pm
don’t want to consolidate situations
excellent – that makes total sense!
lauramcgraw: June 18, 2020, 7:02pm
Thank you Daniel for your cases!! I have a patient with severe endometriosis and she is spleen excess, sm. Int
excess and Kidney excess. I need to decide what to do each time I see her, sometimes I suppl Sm. Int and
immediately she says… NO that’s not it. I then take them out and suppl Kidney and within a few minutes she
says… That’s it! It has been super interesting to work with her. Toby saw her has a patient in my clinic during the
clinical in Portland where he suppl. Lg. Int for her cramps which was fantastic.
Overall I have been treating her for a year with Sa’am and she cancelled her hysterectomy:)
Thank you Kristin for the insight of being cautious on using kidney suppl for the first treatment, that makes a lot of
KristinWisgirda: June 19, 2020, 1:02am
@lauramcgraw, so great that you have a patient who can quickly tell you when you do or don’t get it right. I have
a handful of patients who will do the same.
suppl. Lg. Int for her cramps which was fantastic.
Overall I have been treating her for a year with Sa’am and she cancelled her hysterectomy:)
1 Like29/01/2024, 12:08Two Stark Reminders – Sa’Am with Care! – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community
Daniel: June 19, 2020, 1:15pm
Dam! my 92 year old patient – his wife just called . . . Wednesday night he had a stroke! He is in the hospital. NO
paralysis at all. Mind is completely alert. Just weakness on the entire left side. And he is on no medications at all.
So I would say the prognosis is very good. And I can’t visit him because the hospital is under very strict COVID
lock down. I will call his wife daily to get updates.
Daniel: June 26, 2020, 9:26pm
Update a week later . . . spoke with his wife this morning. He is still in the hospital. Doing rehab. The doctors are
confident he will make almost full recovery – except for the full strength in his left arm which they think will not
return. He never suffered any paralysis. Just tremendous weakness on his entire left side. Full recovery of left leg
strength is expected. His mind is completely sharp , his speech is strong and clear.
ajrieselac: June 27, 2020, 12:46am
Sounds like a good case for sa’am when you can gain access to him. good luck!
Daniel: June 27, 2020, 12:36pm
hmmmm . . . I think you’ve missed out on parts of this thread.
Shanlarson: June 27, 2020, 6:51pm
Wow Daniel. I’m glad he’s doing alright. That certainly can be stressful as a practitioner. I just posted a case where
KI + went the wrong way. Sa’AM is powerful! I’m glad you were able to do KI+ shortly after the SI+. With the
stroke happening a week later I wonder if he really was on the precipice of one even before seeing you the first
KristinWisgirda: June 27, 2020, 8:24pm
Shanlarson:29/01/2024, 12:08Two Stark Reminders – Sa’Am with Care! – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community
With the stroke happening a week later I wonder if he really was on the precipice of one even before seeing
you the first time.
My guess is very likely yes.
We can’t say for sure what would have happened if the patient didn’t receive Saam treatments. It is good to
remember that Daniel didn’t leave him more imbalanced that he started out. His full restoration after Kidney
treatment is strong evidence for this. Both the SI and the Kidney added more weight to both sides of the teeter-
The doctors are confident he will make almost full recovery – except for the full strength in his left arm which
they think will not return.
If he is willing to get more treatment, the doctors might very well be proven wrong.
Daniel: June 27, 2020, 10:38pm
To be clear – his stroke was on the night of the day I administered the SI supp treatment in clinic and went to his
home two hours later to administer the Ki supp treatment which, at the time restored his left side strength to a
remarkable degree as evidenced by his ability to grip a tennis ball and grip my hand and walk around.
He appeared in my clinic as a 91 year old man with no diagnosed illnesses, on no medications at all, with excellent
mental acuity and a keen sense of humour – his ONLY complaint being a ten day old low back pain. I did notice
some blood petechiae on his arms one tends to see in patients on blood thinners. I asked about them and he said I
get them from banging into shrubs in my backyard when mowing the lawn (91 and still mowing his own lawn!).
Yes, it would be very interesting to see if another Ki supp treatment could fully restore his left arm strength but I
suspect I will not have that opportunity.
haunani: November 14, 2020, 7:46pm
This has been a very helpful share Daniel. I appreciate your honesty and openness. I have learned so much. I also,
instinctively, want to give you a hug. Clinic is hard. We care for our patients so much. Thank you again for sharing.
Daniel: November 16, 2020, 2:48pm
Hi Haunani – thanks – I think its important we all share the really tough stuff here! Sa’Am is such a tremendous
‘portal with potential’ I am finding – and I think cases like these are very much part of the journey – harder to share29/01/2024, 12:08Two Stark Reminders – Sa’Am with Care! – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community
for sure – but we all benefit so much. Hope you are well.