Treating a cat through his owner

sweiz: August 14, 2019, 1:31pm
Hi all,
I want to share an interesting case with you. Three weeks ago I saw a patient for a follow-up after treating her for
right sided shoulder, hip and leg pain. All this pain was gone except now she had tightness in her upper back along
the bladder channel. For a variety of reasons I decided to supplement right side SI. However, she was also
extremely upset about her cat who is suffering from shooting pains down his tail. He is on a neurontin type med but
still gnaws at his tail constantly. He found ways to get around every collar. This got so bad that he had to have most
of his tail amputated. But even that did not help. Her cat was miserable. Her cat is male so I decided to treat SI on
my patient’s left for him. She visualized their spines feeling comfortable during the treatment. I did this same
treatment twice. Today she came in and her cat is doing tons better! He is way down on the medication and is calm
and happy. There were no other interventions.
I’ve never done surrogate treatments but somehow, this just seemed right so I just did it. I wonder if others or Toby
has experience treating this way?

Daniel: August 15, 2019, 4:47am
Wow! I love stories like that. They remind us there is so much mystery.

joyblais: August 15, 2019, 10:37pm
That’s far-out! I’m not really sure what to make of it, but I will say that I spend many years working at an animal
clinic and it was not uncommon to see pets that had somehow manifested illnesses related to their owner’s
emotional state. Many times I saw this scenario: an owner that was particularly prone to anxiety or had unresolved
issues relating to caregiving (trauma from the way they were parented or a feeling of obsessive responsibility
towards others) would unconsciously project their nervousness onto their animal, or would over attend to their
animal (helicopter mom style). The animal would respond by becoming anxious or overstimulated, either in the
form of separation anxiety (usually dogs or birds) or obsessive grooming or picking behaviors (usually cats, dogs,
or birds). Cats that were not allowed to go outside when they wanted to seemed to be the most affected as they
could never have solitary time to decompress from the energy level in the house. Birds & dogs were the opposite –
they usually pick & lick when left alone and/or all the time. These behaviors could get so bad that the animals
would make themselves bleed, dig holes into their flesh, pull out all their feathers, etc. I’m not sure if this pertains
to your particular case or not, but it’s possible that after the treatment you gave the owner, she felt more calm and
reassured that the cat would be ok, thus projecting a more relaxed energy towards her pet. It’s hard to say if the cat
was really having nerve pain or if it was having an obsessive behavior, since the cat can’t tell us exactly what it’s
feeling. It would be interesting to know more about said cat and if there had been any trauma or injury to the tail30/01/2024, 13:48Treating a cat through his owner – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community
before the behavior started. If so, then maybe it really was nerve pain and you should immediately expand your
practice to include distance healing for animals! People would be knocking down the door!

michaelmax: August 16, 2019, 11:14am
When I first read this I rather rolled my eyes. I can be pretty closed minded until a situation comes along opens me
to greater possibilities.
Reading @joyblais’s comments reminds me of the “fields” we live within and how our live and energy is affect by
all that is around us, and we too have a powerful influence on the living beings around us.
Thinking about how family members can so dramatically influence each other. Not just in terms of mental health
but physical wellbeing as well. And how the psycho-emotive experience of one person can be passed epigenetically
down through generations. All this has got me thinking more deeply about the influences we have and the vast
ways life connects to itself.

BridgesAOM: August 26, 2019, 4:57pm
Our entire medicine is based in the idea that what is observable in nature is observable in ourselves. We treat too
much inner fire by dumping energetic water on our patients, don’t we? Of course it can go the other way. I’ve
actually found no better mirrors for our health, beliefs, and patterns than the animals we live with. This is an
awesome case!
(Side note, I’ve actually done distance acupuncture treatments using my Reiki training on inanimate surrogates
with really good effect, but I’ve never heard of anyone else trying it through their patient – great idea!)