Sports, Sa’Am and the GB

Daniel: October 16, 2019, 9:50pm
I have a patient I have been seeing on and off for many many years. He recently came in for a treatment during a
several month training for a marathon which is next week. I know him quite well and certainly there is plenty about
his character that would be suitable and certainly not contraindicated for a GB supplementation. So I gave it to
him. He texted me a few days later and said on his trial run three days after the treatment , he clocked his best time
ever. Go Tyson Go.

sweiz: October 17, 2019, 8:08pm
Someone could make a fortune giving GB supplementation as a steroid alternative!

Daniel: October 17, 2019, 9:22pm
Only a matter of time! I just did his second and three day pre-marathon GB supplementation. I’ll let you know how
it goes!

michaelmax: November 13, 2019, 3:10am
Love it! There is a place for bringing forth our aggressive energy.

Daniel: November 13, 2019, 6:18pm
It’s funny . . . ‘aggressive’ has such a bad rap in our culture, I find myself wanting to find a different term to use
here . . . . assertive, competitive, etc. Is ‘aggression’ only or mainly a ‘pathological’ thing, the healthy expression of
which requires a different term or is that just a hyper-sensitivity to what is currently culturally ‘fashionable’? In the
end, all of these things are expressions of impulses within us that have both healthy and unhealthy , excessive and
deficient, hyper and hypo expressions. It’s important we find the correct or best terms for each of these.30/01/2024, 13:31Sports, Sa’Am and the GB – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community

michaelmax: November 16, 2019, 12:05am
I’m with you @Daniel.
Now… keep in mind I’m living in the midwest and it’s a bit conservative here, and suspect that is rubbing off me.
But I hear about…for example, “micro aggressions” … and I think to myself “well, we are social creatures with
territories and group hierarchies and relations. If you trespass on a dog, it will snarl before it bites. So I’m looking
at “micro-aggressions” as a way of at first more subtlety signaling… “my turf.”
We all need our wei qi to function properly, to discern inside from outside. Helpful from harmful. And if there was
not a reason for that outward thrusting boundary keeping function (call it what you will), then it would not be in
our lives.
But is in our lives. And it has a purpose. Like when I tonify the GB of a meek woman so she can stand up in family
and say “No!”
We need boundaries. every cell in your body would agree. And they need to be semi-permeable. The question is…
to what.